The Best Albert Speer Quotes

Traudl: Herr Speer! How did you get into Berlin?
Albert: It wasn't easy, but I must speak with the Führer.
Heinz: If I were you, I'd wait a bit.

Albert: You must be on stage when the curtain falls

Martin: [reading folder in hand] My Führer, following your decision to stay in Berlin, do I have your approval as Vice Chancellor to immediately take charge of the entire Reich with the necessary power and authority? If I receive no answer by 10 p.m., I will assume that you have been incapacitated. I will serve the well-being of our people and fatherland.
[closes folder and puts it down]
Martin: He's betraying Germany... and you!
Walter: Göring's concern isn't unjustified. If our communication system breaks down, which could happen at any time, we'd be cut off from the world; we could no longer pass on orders.
Joseph: I see it differently. Göring wants to seize power. I never trusted that mob he gathered at Obersalzberg; it stinks of a coup.
Adolf: That failure. That sponger... A parvenu! A lazybones!
[Albert Speer returns while Hitler rants offscreen]
Adolf: How dare he declare me unable to act? Tomorrow he might declare me dead!
Albert: Hello, Frau Junge.
Traudl: Herr Speer. How did you get into Berlin?
Albert: It wasn't easy, but I must speak with the Führer.
Heinz: I'd wait here if I were you.
Adolf: The Luftwaffe... What did he do with it? That was reason enough to execute him! That morphine addict... helped to corrupt this country! And now this...
[Hewel looks down in disappointment]
Adolf: He betrayed me of all people! Me of all people!
Adolf: I want Göring to be deprived of power and removed from office. If I don't survive the war, that man is to be executed at once.