The Best Cindy Warren Quotes

Joe: Well, what can I do for you, Miss Warren?
Cindy: Well, um, after I left headquarters last night, I didn't feel like going back to that house, so I checked into a motel in West L.A. I was there I guess about maybe ten minutes and I got a phone call from a man, and, uh, he threatened me.
Joe: Do you know who it was?
Cindy: No.
Joe: Well, what exactly did the man say, exactly, word for word?
Cindy: Well, he said... he said something like, "Did Monty rap to anyone before he died?"
Joe: What did you tell him?
Cindy: I said I didn't think so. And then, uh... Hey, I'm not exactly sure how all this went down, but, well, he kept hitting on, "Did Monty and Victor Jury talk?" Oh, yeah, he asked if Monty made any phone calls.
Joe: Did he?
Cindy: Well, not after Victor and I got there.
Joe: Did he mention anything about Monty's mother or buttons... or General D.?
Cindy: No.
Joe: Anything else?
Cindy: Yeah. The last thing he said to me was, "If you talk, Miss Warren, you're going to wind up like Monty did."
Joe: Talk about what?
Cindy: I don't know.
Joe: Have you any idea?
Cindy: No, I asked him and he hung up.
[Peggy walks in with some coffee]
Joe: Peggy, see if you can get John Randolph on the phone, huh?
Peggy: The postal inspector of the Federal Building?
Joe: Yeah, ask him if he can find out if there's any mail being held for Monty Dawes at a general-delivery office anywhere in this area.
Peggy: Right.
Cindy: It's really weird. I'm caught up in something, but I don't know what it is. Why me? I don't know why I'm involved. I don't know what I'm going to do to get out.
Joe: Well, the first thing to do is find a safe place for you to stay until we come up with some answers.