The Best Cmdr. Hutchinson Quotes

Captain: Mr. La Forge, how long before the baryon sweep begins on the Enterprise?
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: About 25 minutes, sir.
Captain: Then I have enough time to go back to the ship and get my saddle.
Counselor: Your saddle?
Captain: Yes, a saddle is a, a very... personal... thing. It has to be, er... broken in, used, cared for.
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: You keep a saddle on board the Enterprise?
Captain: Oh, yes. Yes, er, I never know when I will have the opportunity to ride.
Counselor: I see.
Captain: It's perfectly normal. You know, most, er, most serious riders do have their own saddles.
Counselor: Of course.
Cmdr. Hutchinson: Absolutely!

Cmdr. Hutchinson: You must be Will Riker.
Commander William T. Riker: I must be.

[repeated line]
Cmdr. Hutchinson: Call me Hutch.