The Best Col. E. Porter Alexander Quotes

Col. Porter E. Alexander: We've been firing for a good while now, sir. It's apparent now that the Federals nor we will gain a clear advantage in this business. If we continue to expel our ammunition at this rate, we might endanger our ability to support the advance.
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet: Did you not have enough ordnance when this was begun?
Col. Porter E. Alexander: Federal fire compelled us to move the artillery train farther to the rear, sir. It's taken us longer to refill the capsules. Sir, we must slow down our fire now, or we will have to cut back on the guns sent in to support the infantry.
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet: Damn! I'm going to have to order general Picket to hault his attack until these guns can be replaced!
Col. Porter Alexander: Sir, the trains have little ammunition, it would take an hour to replace it. In the meantime, the enemy would improve on the time. The longer we delay, the more time the Federals have to strengthen their own line. And even if we recovered more supplies from the ordnance train, how much more damage could we inflict on them than they on us? They're bringing in fresh batteries as quickly as they drive them off!
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet: Just get some more ammunition and keep it hot! I cannot send in Picket's division or the others, until we clear some of those guns off that ridge!