The Best George Lazenby Quotes

King: It appears you're outnumbered.
Batman: Not really. I tipped off some friends of yours on the way over. Told them who robbed their game.
[the gangsters' car pulls in, and they run in, guns blazing; later, after an extended battle sequence]
Batman: I also tipped off the cops. Your deal, King.

Samir: [aiming a harpoon at King] Mine's bigger than yours.
King: All the money in the world and not an ounce of refinement.
[throws a card which knocks the harpoon out of Samir's hands]

Ten: Here's the ransom. Now let my family go.
King: [she gasps as he steps out of the shadows] Well done, darling.
Ten: Dad? Where are the Jokerz?
King: There never were any Jokerz. This was just a family thing.
Ten: Family? What are you talking about?
Queen: After the last time, we weren't sure of you. Weren't sure we could trust you. But you just proved yourself. Congratulations.

Jack: [holding a security guard hostage] Looks like a clean getaway.
King: You think so?
[seeing Batman in pursuit]
King: Drop him.
Jack: What?
Ten: You can't do that.
King: Of course I can. You heard what I said! Drop him!
Jack: [throwing the guard off] Sorry, gramps.
[Batman breaks off the pursuit to save him]
King: [pointing his sword at Ten] Don't ever argue with me again.

King: Ten, come get me! What are you waiting for?
Batman: Don't do it. Just go.
[after a moment of decision, she swoops down; a police officer destroys her playing-card board]
Ten: [Batman saves her from falling] I don't suppose I could convince you to let me go.

Mr. Walker: All right, we've got to start planning the next one. Where's Ten?
Melanie: [entering] Right here.

Mr. Walker: [to Jack and Ace] You're acting like children. If you'd been prepared, Batman would be dead now.
Jack: We got away with the jewels! What difference does it make?
Mr. Walker: I'll tell you the difference: years ago, when I was your age, he broke up this gang for a while. He outsmarted us, humiliated us, and I've been waiting years to get him back.
Jack: Ah, the old revenge game. But tell me something, "sire", how will that make us richer?
[King punches him]

Mr. Walker: I couldn't stand it anymore. The constant comparison. Do you have any idea what it's like living in someone's shadow?
Terry: Actually, I can relate.

King: Your mother and I love you very much.
Queen: But we needed to be sure you loved us.
Ten: You don't love me. If you did, you wouldn't have done this to me. And you never would have made me choose between the family and Terry. You would've accepted him.
King: You were too young.
Ten: Age had nothing to do with it. You were afraid I'd leave the gang. That's what it was. All I've ever been to you is an accomplice. Never a daughter. I just... wish it hadn't taken me so long to realize it.
Batman: How sweet. A family reunion.

[Longstreet is briefing the commanders before the final charge]
Brig. Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew: Johnston Pettigrew, University of North Carolina.
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet: Yes, General; your fame as a scholar precedes you. They still speak of your grades at North Carolina with reverence and awe. I understand you've written a book.
Brig. Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew: A minor work; if the General would care to read it...
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet: Yes, General, I would like that very much.
Brig. Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew: Captain, fetch a copy of my book from the wagon.
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet: Excuse me, General, but I don't think I will have time to read it today.

Mr. Walker: How many times do I have to tell you there's no room for mistakes in this business? You've got to keep focused.
Melanie: You haven't.
Mr. Walker: What?
Melanie: This thing you've got for Batman, you're making us take stupid risks. We're gonna get nailed.
Mr. Walker: No one disrespects me or this family. Not for long anyway, and if you can't get behind that, you might as well leave.
Melanie: Amen to that.

Jack: We did it! Cash cards, plastic gold!
Queen: Now I can actually buy some diamonds. Well, what's wrong? You look almost disappointed.
King: No Batman. I had a special card just for him.

King: How are you doing?
Ten: Just a few more wires.
King: Be thorough, Ten. We have all the time in the world.
Ten: [checking her watch] Yeah, right.