The Best Sonny Corinthos Quotes

Sonny: There were times, you know, when I wanted to be with you, and - I wouldn't admit it. Then I got shot, and I couldn't hide from it anymore.
Carly: And that's when I realized without a doubt - I still loved you, and I always will.
Sonny: You know when I woke up and saw you there, I thought I had died.
Carly: Did you think you were in heaven or in hell?
Sonny: I didn't care, you know, as long as you were with me.
Carly: That is an excellent answer.

Sonny: Maybe it's better for you not to wake up. I don't think we're going to make it out of here. I don't want you to be afraid. I'd give my life if you were just home with the boys. Taking care of them. I've never loved or hated anyone the way I loved and hated you. The way I hate and love you right now. Please, wake up.

Sonny: I'll find you a place, set you up. I'll make sure you're safe.
Samantha: You're kidding me, right?
Sonny: Not at all. I'll get you - I'll get you some money, you know, a car, a driver, if that's what you need, and I'll come visit you as often as I can.
Samantha: I'm not your wife, and I am sure as hell not your whore.

Sonny: Alexis, you're scared. I'm scared. But Sam has a right to protect her child.
Alexis: Since when you care about anybody's rights but your own? Make her! You can make her! You can pressure her into inducing labor! You can do it, or you can get Jason to do it! If all of the sudden, at the last minute you have suddenly developed a conscience...
Sonny: You want me to bully a pregnant woman?
Alexis: I want my baby to live! I do! I don't mean to beg you and ask you to ask another woman to risk her baby for mine. But if the situation were reversed, If Kristina were drowning, Sam would - would save her, she would. She wouldn't stop to think about what it would do to her baby. She'd dive in and pull her out. That's all she needs to do. She just has to dive in and pull my baby out! If she doesn't do it, she's going to die. Sonny, please.
Sonny: Now, listen to me, OK? Sam made the best decision she could for her child's life. I can't - I can't fight her on that. I can't. We will find another way to save Kristina. I promise you.
Alexis: Don't lie to yourself. If she doesn't get those stem-cells, she going to die.

Sonny: Your boyfriend's waiting.
Carly: Oh, I'm not sure I can say the same thing about your girlfriend. Yeah, Sam and I, had a little chat. I told her that - that she means nothing to you, and she now knows that, and that she never will.

Alexis: What?
Sonny: The buttons are straight, the jacket looks really nice, but the hair is kind of - what were you guys doing? You guys rolling around in Ric's office?
Alexis: Of course not.
Sonny: Or maybe on the desk? Were you guys doing it on the desk? May be a little uncomfortable.
Alexis: Don't be ridiculous.
Sonny: Well, I mean, it's not uncomfortable? You like doing it on the desk? Well, it makes sense because, you know, you and Ric are working all the time, so on the desk - you know what I mean?
Alexis: How much longer is this going to go on?
Sonny: Uh, not too long. Your earring. I think you're missing an earring. You might've left it in Ric's office. Maybe in the broom closet? Or in the back seat of his car?
Alexis: Maybe.
Sonny: Maybe?
Alexis: Maybe.
Sonny: Right.
Alexis: Or maybe it's on the sofa or the patio. It could be in the bedroom. But we kind of find that boring. And if it's not in the apartment, then it could be in the elevator. Any number of elevators, all over town.
Sonny: Whew. Wow.
Alexis: Your brother is gifted.
Sonny: Hmm.
Alexis: More than you could ever imagine. He satisfies me - no, he rocks me, body and soul, on every level, like no man that I have ever known.
Ric: Was good for me, too.

Sonny: Sister Agnes said I was asking for Carly the whole time I was lying shot in that convent. I was half delirious. I could've asked for anybody. I could've ask for Sam, even Brenda. Hell, I could asked for you to get me the hell out of there, but I didn't. I wanted to see Carly. I wanted to see her face. The Nuns called Carly to come, she came! that's what I can't get past. This was her chance to get out of my life, to let go. The more this goes on, Jason, the more I realize maybe, just maybe I couldn't let go any more than she could.
Jason: Sonny, just leave - leave things the way they are right now.
Sonny: I want Carly as my wife, not my roommate! I want to be able to sleep with her. I want to be able to trust her and I want her to be able to trust me. If I tell her the truth and she leaves, at least it's resolved. And if she stays, at least I know that she did it knowingly with her eyes open because she wanted to.

Sonny: You've always loved me, more than I could understand. You need to pray for me, Lily. Can you ask God? Can you ask God to help me? I can not watch Carly die the way I watched you.