The Best Kelly Monaco Quotes

Jason: You're looking at this like it's the beginning of something. It's not.
Samantha: Oh, is that a threat?
Jason: It's a statement of fact. Sonny's life is complicated. As long as you're with him your life will be, too.
Samantha: Oh, it'll take a hell of a lot more than complications to scare me off.
Jason: Sonny's only sleeping with you to punish Carly.

Samantha: I thought she kicked.
Jason: You were dreaming.
Samantha: I know. Just for a second, everything was like it was before. She was still with us and she was ok. Everything hurts so bad.
Jason: Just hold on to me.
Samantha: Jason? When will the pain go away?
Jason: Never.

Samantha: You don't want to kill me.
Helena: Oh, you've left me no choice. You see, death is what happens to overly confident little girls who intrude where they don't belong.
Samantha: Well, get prepared, because I am not going to go down without taking pieces of you with me.

Alexis: I want you to come with me.
Samantha: No, I don't understand. Please don't.
Alexis: I want you to see her. I want you to see Kristina.
Samantha: Alexis, I understand how sick she is.
Alexis: I want you to see her lying in her bed. I want you to see how pale she is. I want you to see that her chest is barely moving. I want you to see that she's dying and that you can save her but you won't.
Samantha: Don't say that. Please don't talk...
Alexis: Please don't make you see what you're doing? Because you're letting her die. You're going to let her heart stop beating, you're going to let her slip way, and you're going to stand there and you're going to do nothing. Where's you're compassion? For God's sake. Where's your humanity? How are you going to be able to live with yourself knowing that you could have saved her life and you didn't? I want you to look at her because I can't make you induce labor, but I can by God make you see the price of your selfishness because it's easy to ignore death when it's not staring you in the face. When it's down the hall in some corridor, when it's someone else's child. I want you to look at my daughter!
Samantha: OK, I will do it!
Alexis: I want you to see what you've done! If she dies it's on your head!
Samantha: I will induce my labor for you! OK?

Sonny: I'll find you a place, set you up. I'll make sure you're safe.
Samantha: You're kidding me, right?
Sonny: Not at all. I'll get you - I'll get you some money, you know, a car, a driver, if that's what you need, and I'll come visit you as often as I can.
Samantha: I'm not your wife, and I am sure as hell not your whore.