The Best Lorenzo Alcazar Quotes

Lorenzo: Carly is irrelevant.
Lois: Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England.

Lois: You scare me, Lorenzo. And not in the violent sense. I'm scared of you - your heart, the look in your eyes, and the way I'm starting to feel.
Lorenzo: Look, if I was a good person, I would ask you to leave. I'd freeze you out. You'd be a lot safer that way. And I'm sure, happier in the end. But I think it's obvious by now I'm not a very good person.

Lois: My daughter would kill me for being here. She's right. You're dangerous. And I could end up getting killed in the crossfire.
Lorenzo: That's true.
Lois: At the very least, I'll probably end up with a broken heart. But, I can't seem to stop myself. Because I want something with you.
Lorenzo: Look, if you're frightened, you should run. You should listen to your instincts.