The Best Luke Spencer Quotes

Luke: Oh, Blaze, please be reasonable. You're a convicted felon. I'm wanted for unlawful flight and God knows what else. We got to lay low, and the only way to lay low in Port Charles is to be homeless.
Skye: Since I have known you, I have been trapped in a burning building, stalked, kidnapped, and left to die in Wyndemere. I woke up next to a dead man, been convicted of murder, and spent time in a state penitentiary! But I will not have cockroaches crawling on me! That is where I draw the line!
Luke: They won't, no more. I promise you. Trust me. I'll just fumigate the cardboard condo and you can get back to your beauty sleep.
Skye: I don't think you're quite hearing me. You see, I would rather turned myself in and be lethally injected for a crime I didn't commit than spend one more minute as a homeless person! Now, either you find us a nicer, cleaner disguise or you're on your own.

Luke: You really freaked your mother out. Did it make you feel like a man?
Lucky: Did raping her make you feel like one?

Faith: If the princess doesn't want to leave, we'll go without her. Enjoy the blaze!
Luke: Skye, you can't just sit here and wait for the - wait for the room to go up in flames.
Skye: Well, it hasn't reached us yet. And, look, we have water, you know, and I heard the fire engines down stairs. We should wait here until we get evacuated.
Luke: We've got to go up or down now.
Skye: No, I'm telling you, it is too risky!
Luke: If the explosions have caused the stairwells to be blocked, then they're going to be putting people on choppers from the roof.
Faith: Oh, hello! Less chat, more running for cover!
Skye: Luke, come on, you already passed out once!
Luke: Yeah, and your first-aid techniques have made me a stronger, better man.
Skye: Oh, come on, Luke!
Luke: Skye! The fire is moving through the walls! This room could go up in flames in five minutes!
Skye: Well, you know, it hasn't reached us yet, OK?
Luke: Darling, I am not a white knight.
Skye: Yeah, well, this isn't a test, OK? I'm not waiting for you to rescue me.
Luke: Well, then come with me!
Skye: No way, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm staying.
Faith: Great, super. Let's go, my nail polish is melting!

Luke: I may be taller, but you're my hero.
Lucky: How much longer you think you can keep that taller thing going?

Laura: I love your confidence.
Luke: I love your everything.

Lucky: Mom was an addiction for you, Dad - a drug until you found your next fix.
Luke: Your mother will always be my drug of choice.