Top 20 Quotes From Colors

Bob: [to McGavin] You can try to be a professional! That's the best you can fuckin' do!

Danny: Hey you know, if you just cut me half as much slack as you do the rest of those assholes, I might just owe you one.
Bob: I have, you do.

Frog: [TV version - after the boy got initiated] You screwed up now, man... You joined a gang.

Danny: Listen, about the other day...
Bob: This has nothing to do with the other day.
Danny: Shut up! What, I don't get to talk here?
Bob: Talk.
Danny: I'm sorry about the car. I fucking wiped out, what do you want me to say? Do you want me to say I'm sorry, and it will never happen again? I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're trying to do. But, I didn't sign up for CRASH to play nice to these assholes. You think you get respect? They just laugh, and bump somebody off, and I can't deal with that. And if you can't deal with me, well, I understand that, too.

Leo: I know the routine, Homes. I owe you. You know, that's what makes this country great, hey, Homes?
Bob: What's that?
Leo: Credit! You got your Visa card. I got you, Homes.

Dr. Feelgood: You ain't got nothing on me!
Danny: I got handcuffs on you.

Frog: Ain't no turning back, homes.

Frog: [29:17] So, you back in the jungles, homes?
Bob: The jungles? This ain't the jungle, this is Disneyland, man.

[speaking to a gang member]
other: It's a cold world blood... No Mercy; ain't that what you write on the walls?

Bob: Somebody call my wife and tell her to come get me. Get my wife... Okay, I'm gonna rest my head a minute. Let me catch my breath.

Danny: You don't wanna get laid, man. It leads to kissing and pretty soon you gotta talk to 'em.

Danny: [Intimidated and backing down] Hey, Hodges, Uncle Bob. I don't have any problems with you.
Bob: [Angrily] You got problems with the whole fuckin' world, and I'm in it... and I don't like it!

Bob: And there they are. The Ville. Crips. Crip de Ville. Stone fuckin' killers. They'll walk into your house, blow you away, sit down, eat, then leave.

Bob: [1:49:50] Been lookin' for you, Frog.
Frog: Are we gonna have a rapport, Hodges?
Frog: Who'd you tell, Homes?
Bob: Huh?
Frog: Who'd you tell?
Bob: Nobody.
Frog: You're a fuckin' liar. I go and do a favor for your lousy partner.

Bob: Do you want to second guess me?
Danny: No, I want to go and bust... him.
Bob: So what do you want to do, pull a fire extinguisher out of his ass?
Danny: Well, I'll plant one there if I have to, and then you can pull it out, so you don't have to be dicking around in the car all the time!

Frog: [to the cops about the boy in the tree] I dunno about this younger generation...

Bob: [to his new partner] There's two bulls standing on top of a mountain. The younger one says to the older one: "Hey pop, let's say we run down there and fuck one of them cows". The older one says: "No son. Lets walk down and fuck 'em all".

Dr. Feelgood: Hey man, these handcuffs are too tight.
Danny: Well they ain't built for comfort, pal.

Bob: Who are you?
Danny: Rocky 6.

Danny: Is 21st street on our list?
Bob: Nah. Poor fuckers are professional victims. Get their ass kicked constantly. Kind of a mixed gang. You got Diamond street there, the ville, and the projects on the west so they gotta fight their way in and fight their way out.
Danny: They're fucked, huh?