The Best Colton Quotes

Colton: Wasn't a day on this drive
- I was prettier than you.
- You'll always the be one that got away, Elsa.
- Colton, you gotta be pretty damn good looking to think the one you never had got away from you.
- Go back to Texas, you pretty son of a bitch.
- Ma'am.

Elsa: Then / opened my eyes...
- And I could see color again.
Colton: Ch-ch-ch-ch...
Colton: Hup hup!
- Hup, hup... ch-ch-ch-ch-ch...

- The only people who think this is america still live in Washington.
- There's water in this draw.
- Push the herd to it.
- We'll make camp here.
- Carve one out for the cook first.
- All right.
Colton: Yes, sir.