Top 20 Quotes From Constance Langdon

Constance: My womb was cursed. My husband was the spitting image of Van Johnson. Our combined beauty was an affront to the gods!

Constance: There isn't a closed door that beauty can't open.

Constance: Don't make me kill you again.

Constance: Go ahead, drink your- drink your tea, honey.
Violet: Can I have one of those?
Constance: Oh, a cigarette? Oh. Certainly. Just don't let your mama know that I am encouraging your vices.

Constance: And soon after came the mongoloid, and of course, I couldn't work after that.

[last lines]
Constance: Now... what am I going to do with you?

Constance: Now, who wants to say grace?
Tate: Oh, Mother, may I?
Larry: Oh, of course, son. I was hoping you would choose to become a part of this family.
Tate: Dear God, thank you for the salty pig meat we are about to eat, along with the rest of the indigestible swill. And thank you for our new charade of our family. My father ran away when I was only six. If I'd have known any better, I would have joined him. And, also... because she's been trying to get back into this house ever since she lost it, Lord, a big thank you for blinding the asshole that's doing my mother, so that he can't see what everybody knows. She doesn't really love him.
Adelaide: Amen.

Constance: May I confide something?
Helen: Yeah.
Constance: Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I was destined for great things. I was gonna be somebody-a person of... significance. A star of the silver screen, I once thought. But my dreams became nightmares. Instead of laurels, funeral wreathes. Instead of glory, bitter disappointment, cruel afflictions. But now I understand, tragedy was preparing me for something greater. Every loss that came before was a lesson. I was being prepared. And now I know for what. This child. A remarkable boy. Destined for greatness! In need of a remarkable mother. Someone forged in the fires of adversity, who can guide him with wisdom. With firmness. With love.

Constance: [hands Moira a piece of the Harmons' silverware] Do me a favor and polish this up before I take it, won't you? It's cruddy with corrosion, and do you know why? Because you *are* a shitty maid.

Constance: I got your flowers.
Constance: They smelled of the gas station where you bought them. Red roses? Could you be more of a pathetic, cheap cliche?

Constance: I put on Dora the Explorer for you so you would sit down and watch it.
Adelaide: It was Go Diego Go! I didn't like it!
Constance: Oh, brown cartoon characters. You can't tell the difference.

Constance: [to a sobbing Moira] Now you'll be here *forever*.

Constance: One of the many comforts of having children is knowing one's youth has not fled but merely been passed down to a new generation. They say when a parent dies, a child feels his own mortality. But when a child dies, it's immortality that a parent loses.

Adelaide: I want to be a *Pretty Girl*!
Constance: No! You'll go as Snoopy or not at all.

Constance: It's sage. For cleansing spirits. Too many bad memories here...

Constance: [in a whisper] Is there anything more wonderful than the promise of a new child. Or more heartbreaking when that promise is broken.

Constance: [taking a bowl of chocolate batter to Adelaide] Now *spit* on it!

Constance: I also remember, every time I see that ghostly eye, that I was - and continue to be - a hell of a *shot*.

Tate: What do you want?
Constance: I wanted to see you... are you feeling any better?
[Tate gives no response]
Constance: Are the visits with the good doctor helping you?
Tate: Yeah. We're really getting to the root of my problem. Turns out, I hate my mother.

Constance: Don't make me kill you *again*.