The Best Violet Harmon Quotes

Tate: I like birds, too.
Violet: Why do you like them?
Tate: Because they can fly away when things get too crazy, I guess.

Violet: And the worst thing is my mom had like this brutal miscarriage a year earlier. We had to have this macabre funeral. Have you ever seen a baby coffin before?

Violet: The darkness. It has me.

Violet: I love you, Tate. But I can't forgive you.

Violet: It's not Utube with a U. It's Youtube. Y-o-u.
Tate: Oh.

Tate: You're doing it wrong, if you're trying to kill yourself you cut vertically, they can't stitch that up...
Violet: How'd you get in here?
Tate: If you're trying to kill yourself, you might also try locking the door...

Violet: This is where those dudes killed themselves, right? I thought maybe we'd find a body or something.

Violet: So why'd you keep it a secret?
Tate: Hi, I'm Tate. I'm dead. Want to hook up? I don't think so.

Violet: Tate? I haven't seen him in weeks!

Tate: What do you want?
Violet: What I wanted was you.
Tate: You told me to go away.
Violet: Yeah, but I never said goodbye.

Constance: Go ahead, drink your- drink your tea, honey.
Violet: Can I have one of those?
Constance: Oh, a cigarette? Oh. Certainly. Just don't let your mama know that I am encouraging your vices.

Ben: Stay here and don't open the door!
Violet: Not open the door? But it's Halloween!

Violet: It's been insane here. First the cops were outside and some freak started banging on the door screaming about money.
Tate: Shit like that does tend to go down on Halloween. Probably just asshole kids. It's fine now, I'm here.
[gives her a black rose]
Tate: I painted it black, I know how you don't like normal things.
Violet: You're the first boy that ever gave me a flower. Thank you, I love it.

Violet: I used to think you were like me. You were attracted to the darkness. But, Tate you are the darkness.
Tate: No!

Tate: Something has changed in you. Towards me. You're distant, cold. I don't know what I've done, but I'll leave you alone from now on if that's what you want. Is that what you want? You know why I'd leave you alone? Because I care about your feelings more than mine. I love you. There I said it, not just on some chalkboard. I would never let anybody or anything hurt you. I've never felt that way about anyone.
Violet: Come here.
[Tate climbs into the bed]
Tate: I'm tired.
Violet: Me too.

Leah: Do you believe in the devil?
Violet: No.
Leah: I do. I've looked into his eyes.

Tate: You're doing it wrong. If you're trying to kill yourself, cut vertically. They can't stitch that up.
Violet: How'd you get in here?
Tate: If you're trying to kill yourself, you might also wanna try locking the door.

Violet: Both of you kind of make me want to kill myself.

Tate: Close your eyes and remember everything is gonna be okay. I love you.
[leads Violet closer to her body]
Tate: Open your eyes.
Violet: [cries as she sees her dead body] What? No!
Tate: [flashback] Don't you die on me! Violet!
[flashback ends]
Violet: I died when I took all those pills.
Tate: [nods] I tried to save you... I did. I tried to make you throw them up. You threw up some, not enough.
[Violet cries]
Tate: You took so many, Violet. You died crying. I held you. You were safe. You died... loved.
Tate: I hardly feel anything.
Tate: I didn't want you to find out this way, Violet. You or your parents. I had this idea that if you chose to die... with me... you wouldn't be so sad. I never wanted you to see this. I'm so sorry, Violet.