The Best Dr. Ben Harmon Quotes

Larry: I'm trying very hard not to judge you.
Ben: Me? You murdered your entire family!
Larry: Yes, but I was never unfaithful.

Hayden: I'm rotting from the inside out. What's happening to me? Oh, right. A gazebo, Ben? Not even a decent headstone? A gazebo? You thought I was gone, so you just thought you could throw me away like I didn't matter? Like I never even existed? Is that what you think of women, Ben? That they're just some disposable nothings that you can sit on top of as you casually drink iced tea?
Ben: Stop screwing with me!

Young: Kinky. Do you want me to try that on? Looks like you went to a lot of trouble to find it.
Ben: What do you know about this?
Young: I know I get wet just thinking about sliding that rubber on my body.
Ben: Stop it. Stop your bullshit and listen to me. You're in this house all the time, you see everything. What happened with Vivien?
Young: Why do you care? You're a man. Isn't this what all men want? The freedom to satiate their needs guilt-free?
Ben: Just tell me the truth. I think I made a horrible mistake by putting Vivien in the hospital. She was attacked by someone.
Young: Congratulations, Dr. Harmon...
[she morphs into her true age]
Moira: You're finally beginning to see things as they are.

Ben: Stay here and don't open the door!
Violet: Not open the door? But it's Halloween!

Vivien: What are you doing?
Ben: Am I dreaming?

Ben: You're a psychopath, Tate.

[last lines]
Ben: I'm home.
Vivien: No, you're not. We're selling this house.

Ben: Guns.
Tate: Obviously.
Ben: And then?

Dr. Ben Harmon: I didn't do anything. You heard it on the tape. She did it to herself.
Detective: [dryly] Right. It's not a crime to be an asshole.

Ben: People tell stories to cope with their fears. All art and myths are just creations to give us a sense of control over things we're scared of. Afraid of dying? Create reincarnation. Afraid of evil? Create a benevolent god who sends evil doers to hell.