The Best Cornelia Locke Quotes

Eli: Can you shoot?
Cornelia: If I have to.
Eli: Oh, you'll have to.

Cornelia: The shame.
White: Not for you.

Cornelia: [gazing up at a shooting star] If wishes were where we would be, then we would be where we are not.

Eli: Ain't no destiny in this, Cornelia. Just a whole lot of aiming. And then one day, a miss. And that's it.
Cornelia: You think I'm traveling with hope? Oh, Eli. Just without fear. And you know why? 'Cause I'm dead already.

Cornelia: What about my things?
Eli: Take what you need.
Cornelia: I need everything.
Eli: Difference between what you need and what you want is what you can put on a horse.

[first lines]
Cornelia: [writing] Without you, I'd have been killed. Right at the start. That's how we met. That's why we met. It was in the stars. And we believed in the stars. You and I.

Richard: You're not what I expected in a woman.
Cornelia: You're everything I expected in a man.

Eli: Well, at least you can ride.
Cornelia: And shoot.
Eli: Big difference between shooting a pig and a man.
Cornelia: Especially when the pig hadn't done me any harm.

Cornelia: [saddling up] My friend told me the difference between what you want and what you need is what you can put on a horse.