Top 50 Quotes From Emily Blunt

Rita: You're a good man, Cage. I wish I had the chance to know you better.

Rita: [after Bill gets hit during training] You all right, Cage?
Cage: I think I broke something...
Rita: What?
Cage: My back. The only thing I can feel are my lips.
Rita: Now listen carefully. This is a very important rule. This is the only rule. You get injured on the field, you better make sure you die.
Cage: Why?
Rita: Last time I was in combat, I was hit. I was bleeding out, just not fast enough. I woke up in a field hospital with three pints of someone else's blood and I was out. I lost the power, do you understand? Think we better start over, don't you?
Cage: What?
[Rita shoots Bill]

Matt: [after a gunfight with Mexican cartel soldiers] Got a little nutty, huh?
Kate: Nutty? Yeah, yeah, that was fucking illegal. You wanna start a war? You're a fucking spook! And-and him! I mean, who the fuck is that?
Matt: Told you, you could stay here.
Kate: Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, you just spray bullets at... and, yeah, sure, there's just fucking civilians everywhere. I'm not a soldier! This is not what I do!
Matt: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Look, don't sell yourself short, all right? The reason Reggie's home is I know he wasn't ready for this. But he better get ready real quick because this is the future, Kate! Juarez is what happens when they dig in.

Reggie: Gotta get you a new bra, woman.
Kate: The list of things I need.
Reggie: I'm just saying, you know, some nice, lacy something.
Kate: Yeah, it's been a while since someone's seen me in a bra, except you.

Kate: What's our objective?
Matt: [smiles] To dramatically overreact.

Kate: I just tried to have sex with my hitman.
Alejandro: Nah, he's no assassin. He just wanted to know what you know. They're after us, not you.

Cage: I'm not a soldier.
Rita: Of course not. You're a weapon.

Kate: Have you ever been over there?
Alejandro: I worked in Juarez.
Kate: For the DEA?
Alejandro: No.
Kate: For who?
Alejandro: For Mexico. I was a prosecutor.
Kate: You're not American?
Alejandro: No.
Kate: Who do you work for now?
Alejandro: Oh, I go where I'm sent.
Kate: Where were you sent from?
Alejandro: Cartagena.
Kate: Colombia.

Rita: We should just reset.

Kitty: You don't get to commit sin, and then ask all of us to feel sorry for you when there are consequences.

[last lines]
Rita: [Cage walks up to Rita] Yes? What do you want?
[Cage smiles]

Kate: Is he CIA? Are you?
Matt: He's a DOD advisor, just like me.
Kate: No, he's not.
Matt: Just pay attention to Alejandro, and if he says to do something, just do it.
Kate: I'm not authorized to follow orders from Alejandro! Especially in Mexico!
Matt: Fine. Then stay here. But you don't want to, do you?
Kate: I just wanna know what I'm getting into.
Matt: Kate, you volunteered to get on this train because you... you know you're doing nothing in Phoenix. Yeah, you're just sweeping up a fucking mess. In six months, every single house you raid will be rigged with explosives. Do you want to find the guys responsible? Yes or no?
Kate: [quietly] Yes.
Matt: Yes?
Kate: [louder] Yes!
Matt: This is where we start.

Reggie: There's "in the dark" and there's the way you're treating us. I want to know the objective or I walk, period.
Matt: Then go. I didn't ask you to be here.
[pointing to Kate]
Matt: She did.
Kate: I walk, too.
Matt: What do you wanna know?
Reggie: Everything.
Matt: Fuckin' lawyers. All right. Guillermo told us about a tunnel east of Nogales, near Sasabe. Now we're tryin' to find out what areas near there migrants avoid so we can find the tunnel. That better?
Reggie: And Guillermo is...
Kate: And Guillermo, he just told you where the drug tunnel is? He just told you?
Matt: Guillermo didn't have any other options. We send him back across the border, he's a dead man. Now he gets to spend the next 30 years in an American prison in relative safety.
Reggie: Just tell us the truth, man.
Matt: We are gonna make enough noise that Manuel Diaz is called back to Mexico to see his boss. That's the truth.
Reggie: And then?
Matt: And then we know where his boss is.

Kitty: Can you explain quantum mechanics to me?
J. Robert Oppenheimer: Well, this glass, this drink, this counter top, uhh.. our bodies, all of it. It's mostly empty space. Groupings of tiny energy waves bound together.
Kitty: By what?
J. Robert Oppenheimer: Forces of attraction strong enough to convince us
J. Robert Oppenheimer: matter is solid, to stop my body passing through yours.
[gently places his palm against hers]

Eli: Ain't no destiny in this, Cornelia. Just a whole lot of aiming. And then one day, a miss. And that's it.
Cornelia: You think I'm traveling with hope? Oh, Eli. Just without fear. And you know why? 'Cause I'm dead already.

[from trailer]
Sara: You're going to kill this guy, your own self?

Kate: [after an illegal gun battle] What am I doing here?
Matt: What you're doing here is you're giving us the opportunity to shake the tree and create chaos. That's what this is! In the meantime, just sponge everything up you see. Learn! That's why you're here.

Dave: Kate, you must volunteer for an inter-agency task force. Think very hard before you respond. You wanna be a part of this?
Kate: Do we get an opportunity at the men responsible for today?
Matt: The men who were really responsible for today, yeah.
Kate: I'll volunteer.

Kate: You used me as bait.
Matt: Nah, you used yourself as bait.

Rita: What do we do now?
Cage: I don't know. We've never gotten this far.

Cage: [Cage finds Rita and as he rushes towards making her fall back into the crashed aircraft] I'm sorry! I'm trying to save you. We're getting slaughtered, you need to get us off this beach.
Cage: [Rita watchs him in shock as Cage points his weapon up to shoot the Mimic that's about to attack them] We have to go. This drop ship is about to explode. We have to go now!
Cage: [he helps Rita stand and rushes forward but stops as he sees another Mimic] Wait.
Cage: [he shoots at the Mimic] Come on!
Cage: [Cage rushes out of the aircraft and shoots at the wounded Mimic killing it, Rita watches him as she slowly walks out of the aircraft] Come on!
Cage: [as Cage moves on ahead Rita stops just by the aircraft watching Cage] Come on! This ship is going to explode!
Cage: [Rita drops her weapon to the ground] What are you doing?
Rita: Find me when you wake up.
Cage: What?
Rita: Come find me when you wake up...
[suddenly the aircraft explodes killing them both]

Kitty: The world is changing. Reforming. This is your moment.

Reggie: [sitting in a bar] Look at you. Your eyebrows are a mess.
Kate: [hiding her face] No, they're not!
Reggie: They're like caterpillars, like wild beasts. You're losing weight.
Kate: I'm eating.
Reggie: Look at you. What is it, one T-shirt a week? At least work on your personal hygiene, huh?
Kate: You sound like my mother.
Reggie: Maybe I *am* your mother. First we work on personal hygiene, then we move on to the shopping.

[last lines]
Cid: Where's Joe?
Sara: He had to go away, baby.

Sara: This is a Remington 870. One blast could cut you the fuck in half.
Joe: In half. Yeah, that's telling. You're holding a gun, I say I'm not afraid, so you describe the gun to me. It's not the gun I'm not afraid of.

Kitty: You think because you let them tar and feather you that the world will forgive you? They won't.

Richard: You're not what I expected in a woman.
Cornelia: You're everything I expected in a man.

Joe: Time travel hasn't been invented yet, but in thirty years, it will have been. It's gonna be used by these big criminal syndicates...
Sara: You're a looper?

Kitty: All it needs is a saloon.

Cage: You don't talk much.
Rita: I'm not a fan.
Cage: Of talking?
Rita: Not a fan of talking. No.
Cage: You know, you eventually do talk to me. It's usually around Lyons. You tell me about the time you went there with your family. Your brother got lost.
Rita: I've never been to Lyons.
Cage: You tell me your middle name. Peyton.
Rita: That's not my middle name.
Cage: You find your brother in the arcade, by the way.

Dave: DOJ wants advisors that focus on cartels involved in pursuing Mr. Diaz. This is Matt Graver. He'll be leading the team.
Kate: Isn't this Phoenix Homicide now?
Matt: No, we're expanding the scope of the investigation a bit.
Phil: You'll act as a liaison.
Kate: What does that mean?
Dave: They need an agent with tactical experience, like you.
Burnett: State Department is pulling an agent from the field that specializes in responding to escalated cartel activity. You'll be part of the team. You'll meet up with them at Luke, uh, tomorrow?
Matt: Day after. Early.
Kate: Air Force Base?
Matt: Yeah, we're gonna go see Guillermo.
Kate: Diaz's brother?
Matt: That's the one.

Kate: Are we going to Tucson?
Matt: Yeah, you gotta learn how to sleep on a plane. They let me on the base when you need a ride, don't they?
Reggie: [to Kate as they approach] You okay?
Matt: She's fine.
Reggie: I didn't ask you.
Matt: And yet I answered...

Kitty: Sixteen years ago- seventeen years ago, my mistake.
[she pauses]
Kitty: Sorry, eighteen.

Rita: Come find me when you wake up!

Reggie: [Kate learns why she was assigned to the task force] Kate, come on. Fuck these people, man. They've been using us from the beginning. We don't have to do this.
Kate: I need to know what they used us for.
Reggie: Doesn't matter what!
Kate: Yes, it does!
Reggie: I say we walk. We walk and make them eat this whole fucked-up operation.
Kate: No. I have to know.

Matt: Medellin refers to a time when one group controlled every aspect of the drug trade, providing a measure of order that we could control. And until somebody finds a way to convince 20% of the population to stop snorting and smoking that shit, order's the best we can hope for. And what you saw up there, was Alejandro working toward returning that order.
Kate: Alejandro works for the fucking Colombian Cartel.
Matt: He works for the competition. Alejandro works for anyone who will point him toward the people who made him. Us. Them. Anyone who will turn him loose. So, he can get the person that cut off his wife's head, and threw his daughter into a vat of acid. Yeah. That's what we're dealing with.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: [At their first meeting] Are you married?
Kitty: Not very much.

Eli: Can you shoot?
Cornelia: If I have to.
Eli: Oh, you'll have to.

Reggie: You know, I used to see guys like Matt in Iraq. Gotta be careful around these people. CIA's not supposed to work this side of the fence.
Kate: He's a DOD advisor.
Reggie: You really believe that? You need somebody watching your six, 'cause I promise you they aren't.
Kate: You know, we're not even scratching the surface doing what we're doing. And they are.
Reggie: Mm. Well, you sure picked the motherfuckers to show us.

Burnett: How familiar are you with Manuel Diaz's operation?
Kate: His company, Sun Oasis, has 80 or so foreclosure properties. He has other legitimate businesses. Um... but he's rumored to be linked with one of the Mexican cartels.
Burnett: Manuel Diaz works for the Sonora Cartel. He's most likely their senior member in the United States.
Matt: What do you know about his brother?
Kate: I wasn't aware he had one.
Matt: Guillermo. His brother's name is Guillermo. Do you know anything about his cousin?
Kate: I didn't know he had one of those, either. None of that is in his file.
Burnett: His cousin is Fausto Alarcon.
Kate: I don't know who that is.
Matt: No one does. He's off the grid.
Burnett: He's number three in the Sonora Cartel.
Kate: This is not my department, sir. This is...
Burnett: Like I said, Agent Macer doesn't work narcotics. She runs a kidnap response team.
Matt: Are you married?
Kate: Am I married?
Matt: Do you have a husband?
Kate: Divorced.
Matt: Kids?
Kate: No. Anything else?
Phil: No. Thanks, Kate. If you could wait outside, please.

Cornelia: The shame.
White: Not for you.

Cage: [while in training] Stop! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Stop! Wait a second, wait a second! I've been thinking... I mean, this thing is in my blood. So maybe there's some way I can transfer it to you.
Rita: I've tried everything, it doesn't work.
Cage: I mean have you tried... you know... tried ALL the options.
Rita: Oh, you mean sex? Yeah, tried it.
Cage: many times?
Rita: Alright...
[Cage gets hit by a spinning robot]

Rita: Why does it matter what happens to me?
Cage: I wish I didn't know you, but I do.

Eli: Well, at least you can ride.
Cornelia: And shoot.
Eli: Big difference between shooting a pig and a man.
Cornelia: Especially when the pig hadn't done me any harm.

Kitty: The truly vindictive are patient as saints.

Dr. Carter: Rita! Rita! What is this? What are you doing here? Look, who's this guy?
Rita: He's me...
Rita: ...before Verdun.
Dr. Carter: What... what do you mean? He's...?
Rita: Yes! Yes!
Dr. Carter: When did he die? Where?
Rita: On the beach, tomorrow.
Cage: I'm Bill Cage, you're Dr. Carter, we've had this conversation before. You have two fingers behind your back. I've had the visions, I've seen the Omega.

Matt: Hey, Kate, you got any friends at Phoenix SWAT?
Kate: Uh, yeah, we use 'em in breaches all the time.
Matt: Good, 'cause we're gonna need their help.
Kate: What for?
Matt: We are gonna fuck with Manuel Diaz's wallet.

Lisa: Juliet, I'm scared.
Juliet: Shut your eyes and you'll be in Equalia.
Lisa: Equalia is not real!
Juliet: Maybe not, but it's better than this.

Sara: [points her gun at the sugar cane field] Listen up, fucker! I have shot and buried three vagrants in the past year! So I don't care what hobo sob story you've got. I get a dozen a week, pal. It cuts no cash for me. But if you show your face here again, I will cut you the fuck in half!

Reggie: Those are Special Ops. Are we going in on this?
Matt: Nah. You guys aren't really dressed for it.
Reggie: That why you didn't fuckin' tell us?
Matt: Yeah, well, you two went cryin' to Daddy yesterday, and we don't want Daddy to know everything.
Kate: Oh, give me a fucking break.
Matt: All right, we'll get you some extra gear.
Kate: We have tac gear in the car.
Matt: All right. Good. You guys will hang back when we get there, okay?
Kate: Then why are we going?
Matt: 'Cause CIA can't operate within U.S. borders without a domestic agency attached. I told you you'd be useful.
Kate: So, that's it. That's why I'm here.
Matt: Yeah, that's it. That's why you're here. Hey, we find any drugs, you guys get to confiscate them. It's gonna be a big day.
Kate: Un-fuckin' real!