The Best Rita Quotes

Rita: You're a good man, Cage. I wish I had the chance to know you better.

Rita: Have I got something on my face, soldier?

Cage: I'm hit, I'm hit. How bad is it?
Rita: [while taking Cage's battery pack] You've got a hole in your chest.
Cage: Did you just take my... battery, battery pack?
Cage: [sees a mimic spinning out the ground towards him] No, no, no, no, no... HOLY FU...
[wakes up again on the tarmac at Heathrow]

Rita: If it's all the same to you, I'm tired, I'm in pain. I'd rather just start fresh.
Cage: Tell you what. Take a few minutes. Coffee's ready. I'll look around for the keys. That's productive.
Rita: Ten minutes.
Cage: Okay.
Rita: And then I'm killing you.
Cage: Fine.

Cage: [while in training] Stop! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Stop! Wait a second, wait a second! I've been thinking... I mean, this thing is in my blood. So maybe there's some way I can transfer it to you.
Rita: I've tried everything, it doesn't work.
Cage: I mean have you tried... you know... tried ALL the options.
Rita: Oh, you mean sex? Yeah, tried it.
Cage: many times?
Rita: Alright...
[Cage gets hit by a spinning robot]

Rita: We should just reset.

Rita: [after Bill gets hit during training] You all right, Cage?
Cage: I think I broke something...
Rita: What?
Cage: My back. The only thing I can feel are my lips.
Rita: Now listen carefully. This is a very important rule. This is the only rule. You get injured on the field, you better make sure you die.
Cage: Why?
Rita: Last time I was in combat, I was hit. I was bleeding out, just not fast enough. I woke up in a field hospital with three pints of someone else's blood and I was out. I lost the power, do you understand? Think we better start over, don't you?
Cage: What?
[Rita shoots Bill]

Dr. Carter: Rita! Rita! What is this? What are you doing here? Look, who's this guy?
Rita: He's me...
Rita: ...before Verdun.
Dr. Carter: What... what do you mean? He's...?
Rita: Yes! Yes!
Dr. Carter: When did he die? Where?
Rita: On the beach, tomorrow.
Cage: I'm Bill Cage, you're Dr. Carter, we've had this conversation before. You have two fingers behind your back. I've had the visions, I've seen the Omega.

Cage: You don't talk much.
Rita: I'm not a fan.
Cage: Of talking?
Rita: Not a fan of talking. No.
Cage: You know, you eventually do talk to me. It's usually around Lyons. You tell me about the time you went there with your family. Your brother got lost.
Rita: I've never been to Lyons.
Cage: You tell me your middle name. Peyton.
Rita: That's not my middle name.
Cage: You find your brother in the arcade, by the way.

Cage: I'm not a soldier.
Rita: Of course not. You're a weapon.

Rita: What do we do now?
Cage: I don't know. We've never gotten this far.

Cage: [Cage finds Rita and as he rushes towards making her fall back into the crashed aircraft] I'm sorry! I'm trying to save you. We're getting slaughtered, you need to get us off this beach.
Cage: [Rita watchs him in shock as Cage points his weapon up to shoot the Mimic that's about to attack them] We have to go. This drop ship is about to explode. We have to go now!
Cage: [he helps Rita stand and rushes forward but stops as he sees another Mimic] Wait.
Cage: [he shoots at the Mimic] Come on!
Cage: [Cage rushes out of the aircraft and shoots at the wounded Mimic killing it, Rita watches him as she slowly walks out of the aircraft] Come on!
Cage: [as Cage moves on ahead Rita stops just by the aircraft watching Cage] Come on! This ship is going to explode!
Cage: [Rita drops her weapon to the ground] What are you doing?
Rita: Find me when you wake up.
Cage: What?
Rita: Come find me when you wake up...
[suddenly the aircraft explodes killing them both]

Rita: Why does it matter what happens to me?
Cage: I wish I didn't know you, but I do.

[last lines]
Rita: [Cage walks up to Rita] Yes? What do you want?
[Cage smiles]

Rita: Come find me when you wake up!