The Best Eli Whipp Quotes

Eli: Ain't no destiny in this, Cornelia. Just a whole lot of aiming. And then one day, a miss. And that's it.
Cornelia: You think I'm traveling with hope? Oh, Eli. Just without fear. And you know why? 'Cause I'm dead already.

Cornelia: What about my things?
Eli: Take what you need.
Cornelia: I need everything.
Eli: Difference between what you need and what you want is what you can put on a horse.

Eli: Well, at least you can ride.
Cornelia: And shoot.
Eli: Big difference between shooting a pig and a man.
Cornelia: Especially when the pig hadn't done me any harm.

Eli: Can you shoot?
Cornelia: If I have to.
Eli: Oh, you'll have to.

Eli: [stopping Cornelia from shooting some feeding coyotes] They didn't make the mess. Just cleaning it up.