The Best DaiMon Tog Quotes

DaiMon: Why continue to search for perfection, once you have found it?

Lwaxana: I have a new love, Jean-Luc. And you can't keep killing all my lovers. Now, that simply has to stop.
DaiMon: [alarmed] Killing?
Lwaxana: Oh, he's insanely jealous.

DaiMon: Lwaxana Troi, I desire you.
Lwaxana: What?
DaiMon: You see, your Betazoid skills would be very useful to me, and I find you very attractive. I am willing to pay handsomely for you.
Lwaxana: I don't believe this.
DaiMon: You must be aware that every female has her price.
Lwaxana: Let's get one thing straight, little man. I am not for sale. And if, by some chance, I were to become available, I would rather eat Orion wing-slugs than deal with a toad-faced TROLL like you! So go away and find yourself somebody else to become your property!

Lwaxana: My, my, what, uh, big ears you have
[starts rubbing his ears]
Lwaxana: . Has anyone ever told you how attractive they are?
[rolls eyes]
DaiMon: Some females think they are my best feature.
[she looks at him quizzically]
DaiMon: No one has ever given me oo-mox like this before.
Lwaxana: Oo-mox?
DaiMon: There's no translation, but the ear is one of our most erogenous zones.
[she becomes alarmed; he doesn't notice]

Commander William T. Riker: DaiMon Tog, I thought the Krayton left orbit hours ago.
DaiMon: It did. But when I tried to get the image of Lwaxana Troi out of mind, I could not succeed.
[gives Lwaxana flowers]
Lwaxana: [takes them and tosses them over her shoulder] This is ludicrous. You mean, you came all the way back to Betazed for me?

Lwaxana: [after she has been beamed from the Ferengi ship Krayton to the Enterprise and is sitting on Picard's knee] You wonderfully jealous fool, you.
DaiMon: Captain, I trust there will be no further action taken against us?
Captain: Such as my reporting this incident to your superiors who may question your competency as DaiMon? I will think about it. Screen off.
Lwaxana: Thank you, Jean-Luc. You were most convincing. You certainly convinced me.
Captain: I am truly grateful, Mrs. Troi, that you risked your life to save my people. I'll have you home within a few hours.
Lwaxana: Oh, no, no, no, no, that won't be necessary. I'd just love to hear more of your poetry.
Captain: Perhaps another time.
Captain: [Standing up] Please. Mister Crusher, set course for Betazed.
Captain: Warp nine!

Lwaxana: I-I must admit, when you, uh, first approached me aboard the Enterprise, I was...
[clears her throat in disgust]
Lwaxana: ...intrigued.
DaiMon: You mean revolted.
Lwaxana: Perhaps a little.

DaiMon: Lwaxana Troi - you will be mine.

DaiMon: Captain Picard, so good of you to meet us. We were on our way to Betazed to return our guests.
Captain: Of course you were, DaiMon. But you're still holding Lwaxana Troi.
Lwaxana: When will you get it through your thick head that it's over between us, Jean-Luc?
Counselor: [after having the transmission muted] I think I know what she's doing. You have to fight to get her back, Captain.
Captain: [Re-opening the transmission] Er, er. It's not over between us, Lwaxana. You're mine and I will not let you go. I insist you return to my side immediately.
Lwaxana: You mean, you still care?
Captain: My love is a fever, longing still for that which longer nurseth the disease.
Lwaxana: Tell me more.
Captain: In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes, for they in thee a thousand errors see. But 'tis my heart that loves what they despise, who in despite of view are please'd to dote. Shall I compare the to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
DaiMon: You didn't tell me that you and Captain Picard were...
Lwaxana: You said you didn't want to hear about my other romances.
Lwaxana: I have a new love, Jean-Luc. And you can't keep killing all my lovers. That simply has to stop.
DaiMon: Killing?
Lwaxana: Oh, he's insanely jealous.
Captain: Listen, Tog, I must possesses Lwaxana. And if that means destroying your ship in the process, so be it.
DaiMon: Captain, I had no idea Lwaxana was...
Lwaxana: Don't let him threaten you. You can defeat him.
Lwaxana: [to Picard] The only way you'll ever get me back is over Tog's dead body!
Captain: That can be arranged. Mister Worf, arm phaser banks and photon torpedoes. If Lwaxana Troi is not in my arms in ten seconds, throw everything you've got at the Krayton.
DaiMon: But you will destroy Lwaxana!
Captain: When I have plucked the rose, I cannot give it vital growth again. It needs must wither. Nine, eight. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Seven, six.
DaiMon: No, wait.
Captain: Five, four.
DaiMon: Beam her to their Bridge, now!
Captain: Two, one.

Lwaxana: Do you forgive me?
DaiMon: Yes, but with your powers, we could be a formidable team.
[begins lowering her sleeve]
Lwaxana: [quickly grabs his hand feigning attraction] My, you have great strength in your hands.
DaiMon: And you like that?
Lwaxana: [sighs] I've always admired strong males.
DaiMon: You are beautiful. It is impossible for me to resist you.
Lwaxana: Then, uh...
[clears throat]
Lwaxana: ... don't.
[they awkwardly kiss; cuts to Deanna grimacing in disgust]