The Best Dario Quotes

Felix: Where's my wife?
Dario: Don't worry. We gave her a nice Honeymooooon.

Dario: La Senorita Bouvier, don't I know you from somewhere?
Pam: No.
Dario: Oh, yes I do. You used to fly charter planes for some friends of mine. I got a job for you.
[Dario grabs her arm]
Dario: Why don't we go outside and we talk in private.
James: Take your hands off her! She's with me.
Dario: Nobody's asking you gringo.
Pam: [she has a shotgun aimed at his groin] He's with *me*! Keep your hands on the table!

[Pam is dressed in a white robe, making her look like an angel]
Dario: [slowly looks at her] Ha! Ha! Ha! You're dead!
Pam: [raises a gun] You took the words right out of my mouth!
[shoots him]