The Best Robert Brown Quotes

James: There are a few things I'd like to check out first, sir. That sniper, for instance.
M: Yes. I've read Saunders report. You jeopardized the entire mission to avoid shooting a beautiful girl.
James: Not exactly, sir. I took a split second decision. It was instinct.

[first lines]
M: Gentlemen, this may only be an exercise so far as the Ministry of Defence is concerned. But for me, it is a matter of pride that the 00 section has been chosen for this test. Your objective is to penetrate the radar installations of Gibralter. Now, the SAS has been placed on full alert to intercept you, but I know you won't let me down. Good luck, men.

[M confronts Bond in Key West at the Hemingway House]
M: You were supposed to be in Istanbul LAST NIGHT! I'm afraid this unfortunate Leiter business has
M: clouded your judgment! *You have a job to do*! I expect you on a plane this afternoon!
James: I haven't finished here, sir.
M: Leave it to the Americans! It's their mess. Let them clear it up.
James: SIR! They're not going to DO ANYTHING!
James: [calms down] I owe it to Leiter. He's put his life on the line for me many times.
M: Oh SPARE ME this sentimental RUBBISH! He knew the risks.
James: And his WIFE?
M: This private vendetta of yours could easily compromise Her Majesty's government. You have an assignment, and I expect you to carry it out *objectively* and *professionally*!
James: Then you have my resignation, sir!
M: [incensed] We're not a country club, 007!
M: Effective immediately, your licence to kill is revoked, and I require you to hand over your weapon. Now. I need hardly remind you that you're still bound by the Official Secrets Act.
James: I guess it's, uh... a farewell to arms.

M: Now that we're all here, you can get on with the briefing, Q.
Q: Very good, sir. Gentlemen, a silicon integrated circuit. The essential part of all modern computers.
M: No lecture, Q. We're all aware of the usefulness of the microchip.
Q: Well, now, until recently, all microchips were susceptible to damage from the intense magnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion.
M: Magnetic pulse?
James: Yes, Minister. I burst in outer space over the UK and everything with a microchip in it, from, well, the modern toaster to the most sophisticated computers in our defense systems would we rendered absolutely useless.

[Bond is released from jail in Paris for violating the Napoleonic Code]
M: [to Bond] May I remind you that this operation was to be conducted discreetly. All it took was six million Francs in damages and penalties for violating most of the Napoleonic Code.
James: Well, under the circumstances, sir, I thought it MORE IMPORTANT to identify the assassin.
M: What did you learn from Aubergine before his untimely demise?
James: [to M] Well, only that Zorin is having a thoroughbred sale at his stud farm not far from here. I think I should be there.
[to Tibbett]
James: Can you help me with that, Sir Godfrey?
Sir: It may be possible to arrange an invitation. It's a bit short notice, but I might just be able to squeeze you in, Bond.
James: [to Tibbett] Thank you, sir.

James: With the cane, is that Max Zorin?
M: Yes. Born in Dresden. Fled from East Germany in the 60s. Changed passport. Speaks at least five languages, no accent. Now, the talk of the city and the bourse.
James: The old rags to riches story.
M: He made his first fortune in oil and gas, James. Now, second in electronics and high tech.

M: You have exactly 35 minutes to get properly dressed, 007.
[Bond checks the tie on his suit]

General: [Bond has just received the Order of Lenin from General Gogol] The order of Lenin, for Comrade Bond. The first time ever awarded to a non-Soviet citizen.
M: I'd thought the KGB would have celebrated if Silicon Valley had been destroyed.
General: On the contrary, Admiral, where would Russian research be without it?

[last lines]
[Bond is in the shower with Stacey and Q is using Snooper to spy on them]
Q: 007 alive.
M: Where is he? What's he doing?
Q: Just cleaning up a few details.
Stacey: Oh, James!