The Best Tibbett Quotes

[Bond is released from jail in Paris for violating the Napoleonic Code]
M: [to Bond] May I remind you that this operation was to be conducted discreetly. All it took was six million Francs in damages and penalties for violating most of the Napoleonic Code.
James: Well, under the circumstances, sir, I thought it MORE IMPORTANT to identify the assassin.
M: What did you learn from Aubergine before his untimely demise?
James: [to M] Well, only that Zorin is having a thoroughbred sale at his stud farm not far from here. I think I should be there.
[to Tibbett]
James: Can you help me with that, Sir Godfrey?
Sir: It may be possible to arrange an invitation. It's a bit short notice, but I might just be able to squeeze you in, Bond.
James: [to Tibbett] Thank you, sir.

Tibbett,: Another wealthy owner?
James: Who knows? But she certainly bares closer inspection.
Tibbett,: We're on a mission.
James: Sir Godfrey, on a mission, I am expected to sacrifice myself!