The Best Stacey Sutton Quotes

[last lines]
[Bond is in the shower with Stacey and Q is using Snooper to spy on them]
Q: 007 alive.
M: Where is he? What's he doing?
Q: Just cleaning up a few details.
Stacey: Oh, James!

U.S. Police Captain: You're under arrest.
Stacey: Wait a minute, this is James Stock of the London Financial times.
James: Well, actually, captain, I'm with the British Secret Service. The name is Bond, James Bond.
U.S. Police Captain: Is he?
Stacey: Are you?
James: Yes.
U.S. Police Captain: And I'm Dick Tracy and you're still under arrest!

James: What's this thing loaded with?
Stacey: Rock salt.
James: Now you tell me!

[At Stacey Sutton's home, Bond cooks dinner; pulls out a excellent quiche from the oven]
James: Et voilà. Quiche des Cabinet.
Stacey: Sounds interesting. Mmm. What is it?
James: An omelet.
[Stacey chuckles]
James: Now, you were telling me about your grandfather.
Stacey: He left Sutton Oil to Dad, who expected me, as the only child, to take it over someday. So, at college, I studied geology.
James: And then what happened?
Stacey: Zorin. He took over Sutton Oil on a rigged proxy fight. I fought him in the courts. It's taken everything I had: all the cash, all the furniture, everything. So I took this job as state geologist. And I've just managed to hold on to this house and-and my shares.
James: Well, that's what the $5 million were for, your shares?
Stacey: Ten times more than they're worth. Just, uh...
[grabs the check]
Stacey: just drop the lawsuit and shut my mouth. I haven't accepted yet.
James: So Zorin sent along his gorillas to help you make up your mind.
Stacey: They have.
[tears up the check; sighs]
Stacey: I'd sell everything and live in a tent before I give up.

James: Hello. I thought you might like to join the party. By the way, the name is James St. John Smythe. I'm English.
Stacey: I never would have guessed.

James: Will you keep still!
Stacey: Do you know what I'm sitting on?
James: I'm trying not to think about it.