Top 30 Quotes From Patrick Macnee

Cylon: The warriors continue to advance, at least six squadrons.
Imperious: Recall all raiders to defend base ship!
Cylon: Our raiders are all destroyed.
Imperious: All destroyed? How? We took them by surprise.
Cylon: Apparently, it was not as big a surprise as we had hoped for.
Imperious: Retreat closer to Carillon! Below their scanners!
Cylon: There are reports of fires on Carillon. It is dangerous to move closer.
Imperious: I said lower! Or they will destroy us!
Cylon: By your command.

Narrator: There are those who believe that life here, began out there. Far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians or the Toltecs or the Mayans. That they may have been the architects of the great pyramids or the lost civilisations of Lemuria or Atlantis. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive, somewhere beyond the heavens.

Count: There were to be two more elements to our bargain - one, that I should lead you to Earth and the other was to be decided amongst yourselves.

Capt. Apollo: Count Iblis, you will either accompany me as my guest... or as my prisoner. Your choice.
Sheba: Apollo, I think you're being terribly rude. Of course Count Iblis will go to see Adama if that is his wish.
[to the Count: ]
Sheba: Won't you?
Count: If it is your pleasure, my princess.
[bows head smartly]
Capt. Apollo: [Sheba is much taken with the Count, and the unlikely couple is about to leave] Sheba? Are you okay?
Sheba: Of course. What are you talking about?
Capt. Apollo: You don't seem yourself.
Sheba: How would you know? You never really knew me. This is the only man who has ever truly known me.
Count: Apollo, don't ever make the mistake of threatening me again. Or you'll forfeit your life in the wink of an eye.

Imperious: Welcome, Baltar. I have grave news. I handful of Colonials prevail, but we will soon find them.
Count: What of out bargain? My Colony was to be spared!
Imperious: I now alter the bargain.
Count: How can you change one side of a bargain?
Imperious: When there is no other side. You have missed the entire point of the war.

Count: All people are capable of feeling each other's thoughts. It merely takes time and experience. Place your trust in me, and I promise you all things will be possible.

Count: No one has dominion over me!
Sheba: [spiteful] I wonder.

Cylon: By your command.
Imperious: Speak, Centurion.
Cylon: All base ships are now in range to attack the Colonies.
Imperious: The final annihilation of the life form known as Man. Let the attack begin.

Count: Apollo, don't ever make the mistake of threatening me again. Or you'll forfeit your life in the wink of an eye.

Capt. Gibbon: [noting Columbo's raincoat] O-o-oh, tell me, Lieutenant... um... do you expect inclement weather in the Mexican waters?
Lt. Columbo: No, they tell me the weather down there's great this time of the year.

Baltar: That voice. There's something about your voice. I've heard it before.
Count: It is the voice of truth. It will lead these people as it has led you to surrender to their justice.

[Bond is released from jail in Paris for violating the Napoleonic Code]
M: [to Bond] May I remind you that this operation was to be conducted discreetly. All it took was six million Francs in damages and penalties for violating most of the Napoleonic Code.
James: Well, under the circumstances, sir, I thought it MORE IMPORTANT to identify the assassin.
M: What did you learn from Aubergine before his untimely demise?
James: [to M] Well, only that Zorin is having a thoroughbred sale at his stud farm not far from here. I think I should be there.
[to Tibbett]
James: Can you help me with that, Sir Godfrey?
Sir: It may be possible to arrange an invitation. It's a bit short notice, but I might just be able to squeeze you in, Bond.
James: [to Tibbett] Thank you, sir.

Sheba: [overly relaxed mood, very unusual for her] Starbuck, Apollo, you don't seem to get the point. Look, we're all saved, so relax.
Sheba: Come on, Apollo. Why don't you let me offer you a little consolation?
Count: [coming nearer, grinning] What a wonderful idea.
[as: ]
Count: They make a handsome couple.
Lt. Starbuck: Really? I, uh, somehow had the impression you were interested in Sheba for yourself.
Count: Why should she be limited to one man? Or you and I to one woman?
Lt. Starbuck: Hmm. I get the feeling I might like this place you come from.
Count: I can see you and I are gonna be soul mates.

Count: [about Apollo and Sheba] They make a handsome couple.
Lt. Starbuck: Really? I, er... somehow had the impression you were interested in Sheba for yourself.
Count: Why should she be limited to one man? Or you and I to one woman?
Lt. Starbuck: Hm. I get the feeling I might like this place you come from.

Imperious: We thank you for your help, Baltar. Your time is at an end.
Count: No! You can't...
[a centurion seizes Baltar while a second begins to unsheath his sword]
Imperious: No! Not now, centurion.
[the centurion stops and resheaths the sword]
Imperious: Remove him for public execution.

Imperious: What, pray tell, was that?
Lt. Boomer: [cut to Boomer and Starbuck] There go the bunkers!
Imperious: [cut back to Imperious Leader] Find out, before I have you scavenged for spare parts.

Count: Maybe I can help you with your quest.
Capt. Apollo: What quest was that?
Count: Whatever it is you're looking for.
[dramatic pause]
Count: My knowledge of the universe is infinite.

Commander: Now where in the name of Hades is he, and how did he get free run of the ship? Which one of you has an answer?
Capt. Apollo: Father, I left him...
Count: [Count Iblis enters unannounced] Pardon me...

[first lines]
Oliver: Tell me, ain't I right? A bloke never gets in trouble chasing women. It's after they're caught the trouble begins.

Imperious: My fellow Cylons, it is indeed a great honor to dedicate this southern centre of Cylon Culture to the advance of, and perfection of the Cylon race.

Count: Let her go, I command it!
Captain: You command no one who does not willingly give you dominion. You have no power over me!
Count: You know who I am.
Captain: Yes. I FINALLY know.

Count: [sighs] I'm weary, I'm drained of energy.
Sheba: We have some emergency rations with us, we'll be happy to share with you.
Count: You're very kind. It's not food I require.
Capt. Apollo: How did you survive the crash?
Count: I don't know.

Opening: There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe... with tribes of humans... who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians... or the Toltecs... or the Mayans. Some believe there may yet be brothers of man... who even now fight to survive - somewhere beyond the heavens!

Count: Therefore, I will grant you your first wish, before you have decided on your third. I will deliver your enemy unto you this night.

Sheba: What is it? What are they?
Count: Don't be frightened. They cannot hurt you as long as you're with me.
Sheba: The lights? But they're so beautiful.
Count: Don't be beguiled. They taunt you with a glow that conceals everlasting darkness. Look away, Sheba, you are safe with me.

Tibbett,: Another wealthy owner?
James: Who knows? But she certainly bares closer inspection.
Tibbett,: We're on a mission.
James: Sir Godfrey, on a mission, I am expected to sacrifice myself!

Commander: Iblis! Who is attacking us? What are they, what are you?
Count: I have told you all you are capable of comprehending.

Baltar: I know you! I remember that voice.
Count: Do you?
Baltar: The voice of the Cylon Imperious Leader.

Capt. Gibbon: [to Columbo] Lieutenant, on the high seas we don't ask - I order!

[Two centurions drag Baltar into the throne chamber of Imperious Leader]
Imperious: You are Baltar?
[Baltar laughs contemptuously at Imperious Leader's seeming ignorance]
Count: As if you don't remember.
Imperious: My predecessor has left me with a difficult choice.
[Baltar's smirk disappears, as he is now genuinely surprised]
Count: Your... predecessor?
Imperious: Was destroyed by your peers. A foolish miscalculation of the will of your people.