Top 30 Quotes From James Bond

Pola: Long time no see, James...!
[she giggles]
Pola: ... Oh, you haven't changed a bit!
James: Well, YOU have. You're even LOVELIER.

Q: One of our private defense contractors came up with this: a chip totally impervious to magnetic pulse damage. Now, if I place it on the micro-comparator and compare it with a chip that Commander Bond recovered from the body of 003 in Siberia, when I bring the two images together...
James: They're identical. The KGB must have pipeline into that research company.

James: With the cane, is that Max Zorin?
M: Yes. Born in Dresden. Fled from East Germany in the 60s. Changed passport. Speaks at least five languages, no accent. Now, the talk of the city and the bourse.
James: The old rags to riches story.
M: He made his first fortune in oil and gas, James. Now, second in electronics and high tech.

James: Excellent choice.
Aubergine: I am pleased you approve, since you are paying the bill. Cheers.
James: Santé, Monsieur Aubergine.

[Bond is released from jail in Paris for violating the Napoleonic Code]
M: [to Bond] May I remind you that this operation was to be conducted discreetly. All it took was six million Francs in damages and penalties for violating most of the Napoleonic Code.
James: Well, under the circumstances, sir, I thought it MORE IMPORTANT to identify the assassin.
M: What did you learn from Aubergine before his untimely demise?
James: [to M] Well, only that Zorin is having a thoroughbred sale at his stud farm not far from here. I think I should be there.
[to Tibbett]
James: Can you help me with that, Sir Godfrey?
Sir: It may be possible to arrange an invitation. It's a bit short notice, but I might just be able to squeeze you in, Bond.
James: [to Tibbett] Thank you, sir.

James: Mortner?
Chuck: Got a real winner here. His name is actually Hans Glaub - the German pioneer who developed steroids.
James: That ties him to the horse injection.
Chuck: During World War II he experimented with steroids on pregnant women in the concentration camps in an attempt to enhance intelligence.
James: With any success?
Chuck: Eventually every mother aborted - though a handful of children were produced with phenomenal IQs. But there was a side effect - they were psychotics .
James: Was this Mortner - or Glaub, tried by the war crimes commission?
Chuck: The Russians grabbed him. Set him up in a laboratory. He spent several years developing steroids for their athletes.

Pola: James, that night in London when I was with the Bolshoi...
James: Ah, what a performance.
Pola: In my dressing room, later, did you know I was an agent with orders to seduce you?
James: Why do you think I sent you three dozen *red* roses?
Pola: Mmm. Now, that *was* a performance.

Howe: What have they done?
Max: You discharged her, so she and her accomplice came here to kill you. Then they set fire to the office, to conceal the crime but they were trapped in the elevator and perished in the flames.
Howe: But that means I would have to be...
Max: Dead!
[shoots him]
Max: That's rather neat, Don't you think?
James: Brilliant. I'm almost speechless with admiration.
Max: Intuitive improvisation is the secret of genius.
James: Herr Doktor Mortner would be proud of his creation.

James: Bollinger '75.
Aubergine: I see you are a connoisseur, Monsieur Bond.
[to the waiter]
Aubergine: Ensuite Lafite Rothschild cinquante-neuf, s'il vous plait.
Head: Eh bien.
James: Another excellent choice.

James: Will you keep still!
Stacey: Do you know what I'm sitting on?
James: I'm trying not to think about it.

[At Stacey Sutton's home, Bond cooks dinner; pulls out a excellent quiche from the oven]
James: Et voilà. Quiche des Cabinet.
Stacey: Sounds interesting. Mmm. What is it?
James: An omelet.
[Stacey chuckles]
James: Now, you were telling me about your grandfather.
Stacey: He left Sutton Oil to Dad, who expected me, as the only child, to take it over someday. So, at college, I studied geology.
James: And then what happened?
Stacey: Zorin. He took over Sutton Oil on a rigged proxy fight. I fought him in the courts. It's taken everything I had: all the cash, all the furniture, everything. So I took this job as state geologist. And I've just managed to hold on to this house and-and my shares.
James: Well, that's what the $5 million were for, your shares?
Stacey: Ten times more than they're worth. Just, uh...
[grabs the check]
Stacey: just drop the lawsuit and shut my mouth. I haven't accepted yet.
James: So Zorin sent along his gorillas to help you make up your mind.
Stacey: They have.
[tears up the check; sighs]
Stacey: I'd sell everything and live in a tent before I give up.

[May Day walks into her room and finds Bond naked in her bed]
James: May Day, where have you been? I've been waiting for you... to take care of me, personally.
[Zorin nods to May Day, and she enters silently in the room]
James: I see you're a woman of very few words.
May: What's there to say?

James: Well my dear, I take it you spend quite a lot of time in the saddle.
Jenny: Yes, I love an early morning ride.
James: Well, I'm an early riser myself.

Q: She must take a lot of vitamins!
James: Yes, and perhaps Pegasus does too.

Restaurant: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, monsieur?
James: There's a fly in his soup!

[Zorin is going to kill Bond]
James: My department knows I'm here. When I don't report they'll retaliate.
Max: If you're the best they've got, they're more likely to try and cover up your embarrassing incompetence.
James: Don't count on it, Zorin.
Max: [laughs] Ha ha, you amuse me, Mr. Bond.
James: It's not mutual.

[Bond is gettting ready to have a horse race with Zorin]
James: And what if I'm thrown?
Max: Then you lose.

May: Somebody will take care of you.
James: Oh, you'll see to that personally, will you?

James: Hello. I thought you might like to join the party. By the way, the name is James St. John Smythe. I'm English.
Stacey: I never would have guessed.

Kimberley: [First lines] I thought you'd never get back.
James: Well, there was a heck of a crowd on the piste!
Kimberley: So I see. Mission accomplished?
James: Best beluga.
[Kimberly laughs]
James: Vodka, rather shaken, and one microchip.
Kimberley: Good. I'll send a signal to M.
James: Be a good girl would you, and put her on automatic. And we could do with a couple of glasses.
Kimberley: They're in the overhead rack.
[Bond pulls a lever and Kimberley falls on the sofa with him]
Kimberley: Commander Bond.
James: [Bond unzips her outfit] Call me James. It's five days to Alaska.
[they start kissing]

[Bond and Aubergine are discussing the use of steriods in Zorin's horses]
James: Tell me, why do Zorin's horses beat others with far superior bloodlines?
Aubergine: This is a mystery.
James: Could he be using drugs?
Aubergine: Nothing showed up in the tests.
[a mystery person is seen entering the room]
Aubergine: Later this month, Zorin will hold his annual sales at his stud farm near Paris. Security is formidable.
[the mystery person attacks another person dressed in black. The butterflies in the room go stir crazy]
Aubergine: But the key to this mystery is there. And I, Achille Aubergine, will intend to find it.
[We get a good look at the eyes of the mystery person. Aubergine is suddenly stabbed in the cheek with a hook and his head falls to the table]

James: What's this thing loaded with?
Stacey: Rock salt.
James: Now you tell me!

James: Taxi!
Paris: No, no, no English!
James: [Pulling him from the car] Out!

James: By the way, the name is St. John Smythe, James St. John Smythe.
Dr. Carl Mortner: Dr. Carl Mortner, at your service.

[Bond is dangling from an unlocked fire engine ladder]
James: Turn!
[Stacey turns]
James: Not this way! That way!

Mine: [sees Bond disguised as a fireman] Where's the fire?
James: [American accent] In your rear end!

M: Now that we're all here, you can get on with the briefing, Q.
Q: Very good, sir. Gentlemen, a silicon integrated circuit. The essential part of all modern computers.
M: No lecture, Q. We're all aware of the usefulness of the microchip.
Q: Well, now, until recently, all microchips were susceptible to damage from the intense magnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion.
M: Magnetic pulse?
James: Yes, Minister. I burst in outer space over the UK and everything with a microchip in it, from, well, the modern toaster to the most sophisticated computers in our defense systems would we rendered absolutely useless.

Scarpine: He's the outstanding horse of the sales. We expect him to fetch over three million dollars!
James: Oh, sounds quite reasonable!

Tibbett,: Another wealthy owner?
James: Who knows? But she certainly bares closer inspection.
Tibbett,: We're on a mission.
James: Sir Godfrey, on a mission, I am expected to sacrifice myself!

James: Pola Ivanova!
Pola: James Bond!