The Best Aubergine Quotes

[Bond and Aubergine are discussing the use of steriods in Zorin's horses]
James: Tell me, why do Zorin's horses beat others with far superior bloodlines?
Aubergine: This is a mystery.
James: Could he be using drugs?
Aubergine: Nothing showed up in the tests.
[a mystery person is seen entering the room]
Aubergine: Later this month, Zorin will hold his annual sales at his stud farm near Paris. Security is formidable.
[the mystery person attacks another person dressed in black. The butterflies in the room go stir crazy]
Aubergine: But the key to this mystery is there. And I, Achille Aubergine, will intend to find it.
[We get a good look at the eyes of the mystery person. Aubergine is suddenly stabbed in the cheek with a hook and his head falls to the table]

James: Bollinger '75.
Aubergine: I see you are a connoisseur, Monsieur Bond.
[to the waiter]
Aubergine: Ensuite Lafite Rothschild cinquante-neuf, s'il vous plait.
Head: Eh bien.
James: Another excellent choice.

James: Excellent choice.
Aubergine: I am pleased you approve, since you are paying the bill. Cheers.
James: Santé, Monsieur Aubergine.