The Best Miss Moneypenny Quotes

James: Keep this between ourselves.
Miss: That girl must be very talented.
James: Believe me, my interest in her is purely professional.

Q: Una Yakov. Confirmed kills - 3. Probable kills - 2. Assassination methods - strangulation with hands or thighs.
Miss: Why, James, she's just your type.
James: Wrong again, Moneypenny. You are.
Miss: I'll file that with the other secret information around here.

James: Moneypenny, be a dear, ask Records to monitor Czech publications and news services, see if they can find any mention of a woman cellist at a Conservatoire in Bratislava.
Miss: I didn't know you were such a music lover, James. Anytime you want to drop by and listen to my Barry Manilow collection...
[Bond pats Moneypenny on the behind twice and leaves]