The Best David Cotton Quotes

David: You know, for once you could back me up.
Georgia: I could. But then I'd be wrong too.

David: You know, telling someone to calm down has literally never calmed anyone down in the history of the universe.

- I usuallyjust smile a lot. [Chuckles]
- Ah, you're in the kitchen. That's new.
- Lily!
[In balinese] Meme!
[In English] Oh, mom, dad, this is gede's mother, suli, and his sister, losi.
- Losi's training to be a doctor.
David: Mmm.
- Fantastic. Hi, nice to meet you.

- I belong here.
- I know.
- Will you come and dance with me?
David: Let's go dance.

- I'm not afraid.
Georgia: You are.
- No, I'm not.
- I'm not afraid. Whoo!
David: Hey!
- Oh, my god. This is amazing!
Georgia: Whoo!

David: Get it!
- Kick it!

Georgia: Two please
David: Just leave the bottle
[gasps as the bottle falls to the floor]
David: Are you okay?
Georgia: It's just George Clooney. We have another one.
David: 1-800-Brad Pitt

- Yeah, well, it felt like a long story if you were there.
- Hey. Where are you going?
- Lily.
- To wren's room to get ready, because this afternoon
- I'm getting married.
- You can either get on board with that or have a nice flight home.
David: Lily.

David: Like hearing an old friend, you barely talk to anymore, is getting married. You're happy for them but you don't feel the need to buy a gift.

Georgia: See you again. Never.
David: Hopefully not that soon.

David: Get off.
- Hey!
- Get off me. Get off! Get off!
David: What are you doing?
- That was mine.
- That was mine. You took mine.
- Get off. Get off of it.
- Will you stop it?
- Well, this is getting weird.

Georgia: That's my armrest.
David: No, it's in the middle.
Georgia: This is so like you. Take, take, take.
David: It is not a metaphor. It is an armrest.