Top 150 Quotes From George Clooney

David: You know, for once you could back me up.
Georgia: I could. But then I'd be wrong too.

[sitting across from each other on a shuttle bus to the Hilton Miami Airport Hotel]
Natalie: Never?
Ryan: No.
Natalie: Ever?
Ryan: No.
Natalie: You never wanna get married?
Ryan: Nope.
Natalie: Never want kids?
Ryan: Not a chance.
Natalie: Ever?
Ryan: Never. Is that so bizarre?
Natalie: Yes. Yes, it is.
Ryan: I just don't see the value in it. All right, sell it to me.
Natalie: What?
Ryan: Sell me marriage.
Natalie: Okay. How about love?
Ryan: [scoffs] Okay.
Natalie: Stability. Just somebody you can count on.
Ryan: How many stable marriages do you know?
Natalie: Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with.
Ryan: I'm surrounded by people to talk to. I doubt that's gonna change.

Matt: I know I'm devastatingly good looking but you gotta stop staring at me.

Mrs. Fox: [sees her husband, Kris and Kylie sneaking through the kitchen] Another book party?
Mr. Fox: [surprised] Oh! I didn't see you sitting in the dark over there.
[grins sheepishly]
Mr. Fox: Yeah! No actually, there's a fire. I just got the call; they said maybe it's arson. I've got to interview the marshal and see if it's...
Mrs. Fox: [turns on the light] Kylie, is he telling the truth?
Kylie: I... I don't want to be put into the middle of this!
Mr. Fox: Thanks, Kylie.
Mrs. Fox: Why is he wearing that bandit hat?
[points at Kris, wearing a bandit hat]
Mr. Fox: His ears were cold. He's not with us.
[to Kris]
Mr. Fox: Go back to bed.
[Kris leaves and closes the door]
Mrs. Fox: If what I think is happening, IS happening... it better not be.

Rat: The boy is being held in an apple crate on top of a gun cabinet in the attic of Bean Annex.
Mr. Fox: Would you have told me if I hadn't killed you first?
Rat: Never.

Ryan: [Natalie, on her first outing, walks into the Omaha Airport terminal dragging her slow-moving luggage; Ryan, irritated by this, looks at her in frustration]
Natalie: What?
Ryan: Follow me.
[later at a store in the terminal, Ryan grabs a new, updated rolling luggage]
Natalie: I really like my luggage.
Ryan: That's exactly what it is, it's luggage. You know how much time you lose by checking in?
Natalie: I don't know. Five, ten minutes?
Ryan: 35 minutes a flight. I travel 270 days a year. That's 157 hours. That makes seven days. You're willing to throw away an entire week on that?
[Natalie sighs]

David: Like hearing an old friend, you barely talk to anymore, is getting married. You're happy for them but you don't feel the need to buy a gift.

Mr. Fox: [after animals have dug through the wall] You scared the cuss out of us!
Badger: A lot of good animals...
[starts screaming]
Badger: ... are probably going to die, because of you! We've been digging in circles for three days! Half the woods have been obliterated, nobody can get out! Right now, my wife is at the bottom of a flint mine with no food, no water, and 27 starving animal brats!

Ash: [Mr. Fox has just lost his tail in the shooting] It'll grow back, won't it?
Kylie: Tails don't grow back.
Ash: Tails don't grow back?
Kylie: Uh-uh. 'Cept for lizards.
Mr. Fox: Tails don't grow back. I'm gonna be tail-less for the rest of my life.
Ash: Well, anyway, it's not half as bad as double pneumonia, right? I mean his dad's got one foot in the grave and three feet on a banana peel. That's a lot worse than just a...
Kristofferson: [ricochets an acorn around the room, which lands in the teacup he is holding] Excuse me, everyone. I'm gonna go meditate for half an hour.
[exits quickly]
Mrs. Fox: [to Ash] You have got twenty-nine minutes to come up with a proper apology.
Ash: Me? ME have an apology? He gets a bandit hat? He just got here, and he gets a bandit hat? Where's MY bandit hat? Why didn't I get shot at? It's because, you... you... you think I'm no good at anything! Well, maybe you're right, thanks.
[stomps away angrily and slams door upon exit]
Kylie: [to Mr. Fox] Told ya not to bring him.

Seth: Okay hard drinkers, let's drink hard. I'm buyin'.

Kylie: Hey, I didn't get a job yet, or a Latin name. What's my strength?
Mr. Fox: Listen, you're Kylie. You're an unbelievably nice guy. Your job is really, just to... be available, I think. I don't know your Latin name. I doubt they even had opossums in Ancient Rome.

Ulysses: What'd the devil give you for your soul, Tommy?
Tommy: Well, he taught me to play this here guitar *real* good.
Delmar: Oh son, for that you traded your everlasting soul?
Tommy: Well, I wasn't usin' it.

Harry: Twenty years of Marshal Service, I never discharged my gun.
Osbourne: That sounds like something you ought to be telling your psychologist.
Harry: I don't have a psychologist!

Pete: Look, he comes in here everyday, we bullshit; he's used my bathroom about a thousand times; if I told him no, he'd know somethin' was up.
Seth: Okay, I want him out of here, in his car, and down the road or you can change the name of this place to Benny's World of Blood.

Mr. Fox: I spotted a couple of broken burglar bars underneath the back door to Bean's secret cider cellar.
Kylie: We're breaking into Bean's *house*?
Mr. Fox: Cellar.
Kylie: Where he *lives*?
Mr. Fox: Where he keeps the cider.
Ash: [appears behind them] *Below* where he lives.
Mr. Fox: [takes] Where'd you come from? Why don't you go back to the tree and do your homework?
Ash: I want to help you steal some cider.
Mr. Fox: *We're* going to a *book* party, and keep your mouth shut about any cider, because no one ever said that! Now get out of here!
Ash: But, ah...
Mr. Fox: But nothing! You're gonna get me in a lot of trouble! Besides, you're too little and uncoordinated.
[Ash frowns, twitches, and spits]
Mr. Fox: One, two, three!
[Mr. Fox points in the direction of the tree. Ash stomps off, growling]

Robin: She knows who we are. Guess we'll have to kill her.
Batman: Yep, we'll kill her later. We've got work to do.

- I usuallyjust smile a lot. [Chuckles]
- Ah, you're in the kitchen. That's new.
- Lily!
[In balinese] Meme!
[In English] Oh, mom, dad, this is gede's mother, suli, and his sister, losi.
- Losi's training to be a doctor.
David: Mmm.
- Fantastic. Hi, nice to meet you.

[from trailer]
Mrs. Fox: You know, you really are... fantastic.
Mr. Fox: I try.

Delmar: You work for the railroad, Grampa?
Blind: I work for no man.
Delmar: Got a name, do you?
Blind: I have no name.
Ulysses: Well, that right there may be the reason you've had difficulty findin' gainful employment. You see, in the mart of competitive commerce...

Seth: [upon finding the body of Gloria the hostage] Richard, what's wrong with you? Is it me? Is this my fault? Do think that this is what I am? I am a professional fucking thief. I don't kill people that I don't have to, and I don't rape women. What you are doing - what you are doing - what you are fucking doing, is not how it's done. Do you understand? Say "yes, Seth, I understand." Say "yes, Seth, I fucking understand."

Pete: Wait a minute. Who elected you leader of this outfit?
Ulysses: Well Pete, I figured it should be the one with the capacity for abstract thought. But if that ain't the consensus view, then hell, let's put it to a vote.
Pete: Suits me. I'm voting for yours truly.
Ulysses: Well I'm voting for yours truly too.
[Everett and Pete look at Delmar for the deciding vote]
Delmar: Okay... I'm with you fellas.

[last lines]
Penny: Well, we need that ring.
Ulysses: Well that ring is at the bottom of a pretty durn big lake.
Penny: Uh-uh.
Ulysses: A 9,000 hectare lake.
Penny: I don't care if it's 90,000...
Ulysses: But honey...
Penny: that lake was not my doing.
Ulysses: Of course not honey...
Penny: I counted to three, honey.
Ulysses: No, wait, honey! Finding one little ring in the middle of all that water is one hell of a heroic task!

Seth: So what are you, Jacob? A faithless preacher? Or a mean motherfuckin' servant of God?
Jacob: I'm a mean, mhm mhm servant of God.

David: Get off.
- Hey!
- Get off me. Get off! Get off!
David: What are you doing?
- That was mine.
- That was mine. You took mine.
- Get off. Get off of it.
- Will you stop it?
- Well, this is getting weird.

Mr. Fox: [to his wife] Badger's right. These farmers aren't gonna quit until they catch me. I shouldn't have lied to your face. I shouldn't have fallen off the wagon and started stealing chickens on the sly. I shouldn't have driven these farmers so far and cussed with their heads. I enjoyed it, but I shouldn't have done it. But now there's only one way out of this. Maybe if I hand myself over and let them kill me, stuff me, and hang me over their mantelpiece...
Mrs. Fox: You'll do no such thing.
Mr. Fox: Darling, maybe they'll let everyone else live.
Mrs. Fox: [in tears] Oh, why did you have to get us into this, Foxy?
Mr. Fox: I don't know, but I have a possible theory. I think I have this thing where I need everybody to think I'm the greatest, the quote-unquote Fantastic Mr. Fox. And if people aren't knocked out and dazzled and slightly intimidated by me, I don't feel good about myself. Foxes traditionally like to court danger, hunt prey, and outsmart predators, and that's what I'm good at. I think at the end of the day, I'm just...
Mrs. Fox: I know, we're wild animals.
Mr. Fox: Hmm. I guess we always were. I promise you, if I had all this to do over again, I'd have never let you down. It was always more fun when we did it together, anyway.

Harry: Oh my fuck... I just killed a fucking spook!

[last lines]
Barbara: Partners?
Dick: Partners.
Bruce: Partners.
Alfred: We're going to need a bigger cave.

Georgia: That's my armrest.
David: No, it's in the middle.
Georgia: This is so like you. Take, take, take.
David: It is not a metaphor. It is an armrest.

Matt: Listen, do you wanna go back, or do you wanna stay here? I get it. It's nice up here. You can just shut down all the systems, turn out all the lights, and just close your eyes and tune out everyone. There's nobody up here that can hurt you. It's safe. I mean, what's the point of going on? What's the point of living? Your kid died. Doesn't get any rougher than that. But still, it's a matter of what you do now. If you decide to go, then you gotta just get on with it. Sit back, enjoy the ride. You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start livin' life. Hey, Ryan? It's time to go home.

Seth: All right, vampire killers... let's kill some fucking vampires.

Ryan: [narrating] All the things you probably hate about travelling -the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, the cheap sushi- are warm reminders that I'm home

Ulysses: Well, you lying... unconstant... succubus!
Vernon T. Waldrip: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't swear at my fiancé!
Ulysses: Oh, yeah? Well, you can't marry my wife!

Natalie: [sitting across from Ryan and Alex in Miami] I thought I'd be engaged by now. I thought by 23, I'd be married, maybe have a kid, corner office by day, entertaining at night. I was supposed to be driving a Grand Cherokee by now.
Alex: Well, life can underwhelm you that way.
Natalie: Where did you think you'd be by err...?
Alex: It doesn't work that way. At a certain point, you stop with the dead lines. It can be a little counter productive.
Natalie: I don't want to say anything that is anti-feminist. I really appreciate everything that your generation did for me.
Alex: It was our pleasure.
Ryan: Well done.
Natalie: Sometimes it feels like, no matter how much success I have, it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy. I could have made it work, he really fit the bill, you know. White collar, 6'1, college grad, loves dogs, likes funny movies, brown hair, kind eyes, works in finance but is outdoorsy. I always imagined he'd have a single syllable name like Matt or John or Dave. In a perfect world, he drives a 4 runner and the only thing he loves more than me is his golden lab. And a nice smile. What about you?
Alex: You know, honestly by the time you're 34, all the physical requirements just go out the window. You secretly pray that he'll be taller than you, not an asshole would be nice just someone who enjoys my company, comes from a good family. You don't think about that when you're younger. Someone who wants kids, likes kids. Healthy enough to play with his kids. Please let him earn more money than I do, you might not understand that now but believe me, you will one day otherwise that's a recipe for disaster. And hopefully, some hair on his head. I mean, that's not even a deal breaker these days. A nice smile. Yea, a nice smile just might do it.
Natalie: Wow. That was depressing.

Mr. Fox: [giving a toast] Now I've already had too much to drink, and I'm feeling sentimental, but I'm going to say something anyway, which nobody wants to admit, but I think is probably true: we beat 'em. We beat those farmers, and now we're triumphantly eating their roasted chicken, their sizzling duck, their succulent turkey, their foie gras de... Where did the boys go?

Mr. Fox: A Titanium Card?
Mr. Fox: How did you qualify for this?
Kylie: I pay my bills on time. I've always had good credits

Seth: Do you think this is who I am? I am a professional thief; I don't kill people I don't have to.

Matt: You're the genius up here. I only drive the bus.

Robin: Where's the snowman?
Batgirl: Maybe he melted.
Batman: No, he's just hibernating.

Ryan: [waiting with Alex in a check-in line at the Wisconsin hotel] Are you available?
Check: This line's reserved for members of our Matterhorn Program.

Matt: Half of North America just lost their Facebook.

Mr. Freeze: Uh-oh!
Batman: I'm putting you on ice.

Ryan: [after being informed by Ryan that his been let go] Your resume says you minored in French Culinary Arts. Most students work the frier at KFC. You bussed tables at Il Picatorre to support yourself. Then you got out of college and started working here. How much did they pay you to give up on your dreams?
Bob: Twenty seven thousand a year.
Ryan: [sitting next to Natalie] At what point were you going to stop and go back to what made you happy?
Bob: that's a good question.

Harry: [Looks at floor] What is this? Pine?

Ryan: [sitting across the aisle from each other on a plane] Natalie, what is it you think we do here?
Natalie: We prepare the newly unemployed for the emotional and physical hurdles of job hunting, while minimizing legal blow-back.
Ryan: That's what we're selling. It's not what we're doing.
Natalie: Okay, what are we doing?
Ryan: We are here to make limbo tolerable, to ferry wounded souls across the river of dread until the point were hope is dimly visible. And then stop the boat, shove them in the water and make them swim.

Ulysses: Tommy, what you ridin' there?
Tommy: Uh... Roll top desk!

Ryan: [narrating last lines] Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squeling kids and thousands more will ask about their day and tonight they'll sleep. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places; and one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.

Kate: Are you okay?
Seth: Peachy, Kate. The world's my oyster, except for the fact that I just rammed a wooden stake in my brother's heart because he turned into a vampire, even though I don't believe in vampires. Aside from that unfortunate business, everything's hunky-dory.

Tommy: I had to be up at that there crossroads last midnight, to sell my soul to the devil.
Ulysses: Well, ain't it a small world, spiritually speaking. Pete and Delmar just been baptized and saved. I guess I'm the only one that remains unaffiliated.

Badger: In summation, I think you just got to not do it, man. That's all.
Mr. Fox: I understand what you're saying, and your comments are valuable, but I'm gonna ignore your advice.
Badger: The cuss you are.
Mr. Fox: The cuss am I? Are you cussing with me?
Badger: No, you cussing with me?
Mr. Fox: Don't cussing point at me!
Badger: If you're gonna cuss with somebody, you're not gonna cuss with me, you little cuss!
Mr. Fox: You're not gonna cuss with me!
[Both start snarling at each other, and then settle down]
Mr. Fox: Just buy the tree.
Badger: Okay.

Bob: [Shows them a picture of his children, after having been informed he's been let go] What do you suggest I tell them?
Natalie: Perhaps you're overlooking the positive effects your career transition will have on your children
Bob: The positive effects? I make about ninety grand a year, unemployment is two hundred fifty bucks week is that one of your positive effects? We get to be cozier because I won't be able to pay my mortgage on my house so maybe we can move into a nice one bedroom apartment and I guess without benefits I'll be able to hold my daughter as she suffers from her asthma that I won't be able to afford the medication for her
Natalie: Tests have shown that children under moderate trauma tend to apply themselves academically as a method of coping
Bob: "Go fuck yourself",that's what my kids will think
Ryan: Your kids' admiration is important to you?
Bob: Yeah of course
Ryan: I doubt they ever admired you
Bob: Hey, asshole, aren't you supposed to be consoling me?
Ryan: I'm not a shrink I'm a wakeup call, I see guys who work at the same company their entire lives guys exactly like you they clock in and they clock out and they never have a moment of happiness you have an opportunity, this is a rebirth, if not for you do it for your children

- I'm not afraid.
Georgia: You are.
- No, I'm not.
- I'm not afraid. Whoo!
David: Hey!
- Oh, my god. This is amazing!
Georgia: Whoo!

David: You know, telling someone to calm down has literally never calmed anyone down in the history of the universe.

Ryan: [narrating] Last year I spent 322 days on the road, which means I had to spend 43 miserable days at home.

Ulysses: I'll tell you what I am - I'm the damn paterfamilias! You can't marry him!

Ryan: [sitting across the aisle from each other on a plane] Are you angry at your computer?
Natalie: I type with purpose.

Seth: [talking about the Titty Twister] You've never been here before?
Carlos: No. I drove by it a couple of times. It's a rowdy place, it's out in the middle of nowhere, there'd be no cops and it's open from dusk till dawn. And didn't you say you wanted to meet in the morning? Here we are.
Seth: Well since you just picked this place out of a hat, my brother is dead, that girl's entire fucking family is dead!
Carlos: What, were they psychos? Or...
Seth: Do they look like psychos? Is that what they look like? They were vampires! Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are!
Carlos: Seth, how can I make it up to you?
Seth: Can't make it up to me Carlos. I tell you, you can't do it. Can't make it up!
[has second thoughts on Carlos' deal]
Seth: 15%, instead of 30% for my stay in El Ray, that's a good start.
Carlos: 28.
Seth: My brother's gone, you understand that? He is gone, and he is not coming back, and that is your fault. 20.
Seth,11775: [shake on deal] 25.

Bruce: Well, he's over-eager. He's impulsive. I can't trust him not to get hurt.
Alfred: Perhaps the truth is you really don't trust anyone.
Bruce: Oh, don't tell me you're on his side, again.
Alfred: Despite all your talents, you are still a novice in the ways of family. Master Dick follows the same star as you but gets there by his own course. You must learn to trust him, for that is the nature of family.
Bruce: I trust *you*, Alfred.
Alfred: But I shan't be here forever.

Penny: I've spoken my piece and counted to three.
Ulysses: She counted to three. Goddamit! She counted to three. Sonofabitch!

Ash: What's that white stuff around his mouth?
Kylie: I think he eats soap.
Mr. Fox: That's not soap.
Kylie: Wha- why does he have that...
Mr. Fox: He's rabid. With rabies.

Mr. Fox: My suicide mission's been cancelled. We're replacing it with a go-for-broke rescue mission.

Ryan: [Narrating] Every Family has a person who keeps the genealogy in check that's my sister Kara: the glue
Kara: [Over the phone] Hello,Hey how you holding up?
Ryan: Fine you and the kids?
Kara: Missy's outstanding Matthew made varsity how's the road?
Ryan: Couldn't be better
Kara: Good, I didn't want to ask you this I know how you are about doing things for others but we're coming up on Julie's and there's something we could use your help on
Ryan: Yeah
Kara: We've been sending people kits so they can print out photos of Julie and Jim on card board and then photos of them at interesting places kind of like the Nome in that French movie
Ryan: Why
Kara: Because its Julie's wedding and she thinks it would be fun, does it matter why?
Ryan: How is Julie?
Kara: Would you call her? She thinks you've turned to butter so your assistant said you're going to be in Vegas, can you get a photo of the cut out in front of the Luxor pyramid?
Ryan: The place is a shit hole nobody stays there
Kara: I'm not asking you to check in can you just take a stupid photo?
Ryan: I'll "try my best"
Kara: Thank you for "trying your best"

Craig: [over the phone] How's the road warrior?
Ryan: Twenty minutes from boarding into a world of bliss.
Craig: Great numbers out of Phoenix. You know Big Auto is going to drop another 10K this month.
Ryan: No kidding?
Craig: Yeah, Christmas came early.

Seth: Why, out of all the God-forsaken shitholes in Mexico, do we have to meet here?
Carlos: One place's just as good as another.

Pete: You miserable little snake! You stole from my kin!
Ulysses: Who was fixin' to betray us.
Pete: You didn't know that at the time.
Ulysses: So I borrowed it until I did know.
Pete: That don't make no sense!
Ulysses: Pete, it's a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.

Ryan: [trying to convince Jim to marry Julie after he got cold feet as Kara watches through the window of the closed door] If you think about it, your favorite memories, the most important moments in your life... were you alone?
Jim: No, I guess not.
Ryan: Hey, come to think of it, last night, the night before your wedding, when all this shit is swirling around in your head, weren't you guys sleeping in separate bedrooms?
Jim: Yeah, Julie went back to the apartment, and I was just by myself in the honeymoon suite.
Ryan: Kind of lonely, huh?
Jim: Yes, it was pretty lonely.
Ryan: Life's better with company.
Jim: Yeah.
Ryan: Everybody needs a Co-Pilot.
Jim: That was a nice touch.

Batman: Hey, Freeze. The heat is on.

Ryan: [Over the phone] I was hoping to hear from you
Alex: I'm in Hot-lanta and I need a rib joint recommend bad
Ryan: Fat Matts: bring a bib
Alex: [referring to the initials of the airports she'll stop at during her business trip] I'm out of Hartsfield into IAD with a connection to ORD and SDF
Ryan: Oh, sorry
Ryan: Tell me about it how long is your lay over? They got multiples at SDF can you push?
Alex: Yeah I can push

[Repeated line]
Ulysses: Damn! We're in a tight spot!

Seth: [talking to Jacob Fuller about his wife's death in a car crash] Died instantly?
Jacob: Not quite. She was trapped in the wreck for about... six hours before she passed on.
Seth: Yeah, those acts of God really stick it in and break it off, don't they?
Jacob: Yes, they do.

Batman: Hi, Freeze. I'm Batman.
[slides down dinosaur statue]

[first lines, after being informed by Ryan that they've been let go]
Terminated: This is what I get in return for 30 years of service for my company? And they send some yo-yo like you in here to try to tell me that I'm out of a job? They should be telling you *you're* out of a job.
Terminated: You have a lot of gall coming in here and firing your number one producer. And then you're going to go home tomorrow and make more money than you've ever made in your life, and I'm going to go home without a pay check. Fuck you.
Terminated: I just... I guess you leave me dumbfounded. I don't know where this is coming from. How am I supposed to go back as a man and explain this to my wife that I lost my job?
Terminated: On a street level, I've heard that losing your job is like a death in the family. But personally, I feel more like the people I worked with were my family and *I* died.
Terminated: I can't afford to be unemployed. I have a house payment. I have children.
Terminated: I don't know how you can live with yourself, but I'm sure that you'll find a way while the rest of us are suffering.
Terminated: [on the verge of tears] Who the fuck are you, man?
Ryan: Excellent question. Who the fuck am I? Poor Steve has worked here for seven years. He's never had a meeting with me before, or passed me in the hall, or told me a story in the break room. And that's because I don't work here. I work for another company that lends me out to pussies like Steve's boss, who don't have the balls to sack their own employees, and in some cases, for good reason. Because people do crazy shit when they get fired.

Mr. Fox: Redemption? Sure. But in the end, he's just another dead rat in a garbage pail behind a Chinese restaurant.

Ryan: [after sleeping together] You're up.
Alex: I have to fly stand by to make a meeting in Cincinnati.
Ryan: Ok.
Alex: [playfully] I made you feel cheap.
Ryan: Just leave the money on the dresser.
Alex: I'll text you later so we can swap schedules.
Ryan: I really like you.
Alex: I like you too.
Ryan: Good, go catch your flight.

Pete: Well I'll be a sonofabitch. Delmar's been saved.
Delmar: Well that's it, boys. I've been redeemed. The preacher's done warshed away all my sins and transgressions. It's the straight and narrow from here on out, and heaven everlasting's my reward.
Ulysses: Delmar, what are you talking about? We've got bigger fish to fry.
Delmar: The preacher says all my sins is warshed away, including that Piggly Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo.
Ulysses: I thought you said you was innocent of those charges?
Delmar: Well I was lyin'. And the preacher says that that sin's been warshed away too. Neither God nor man's got nothin' on me now. C'mon in boys, the water is fine.

Mr. Fox: I love you, Felicity.
Mrs. Fox: I love you too. But I shouldn't have married you.

Ulysses: Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.
Delmar: Ok, Everett.
Ulysses: Hit by a train! Truth means nothing to a woman, Delmar. Triumph of the subjective. You ever been with a woman?
Delmar: Well, I... I... I gotta get the family farm back before I can start thinking about that.
Ulysses: That's right, if then. Believe me Delmar, woman is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man.

[first lines]
Mr. Fox: What'd the doctor say?
Mrs. Fox: Nothing. Supposedly it's just a 24-hour bug. He gave me some pills.
Mr. Fox: I told you, you probably just ate some bad gristle.

Ulysses: Ain't you gonna introduce us, Pete?
Pete: I don't know their names. I seen 'em first!

Richie: Shit, I started to get worried. Where the fuck ya been?
Seth: Sight seein'.
Richie: What'd ya see?
Seth: Cops.

[after they both have sex in Ryan's room; Ryan lays on the floor whilst Alex, naked, lies on the bed]
Ryan: Good call on that towel rack.
Alex: I like how you burritoed me in the sofa cushions.
Ryan: I was improvising.
Alex: Shame we didn't make it to the closet.
Ryan: Mmm. We gotta do this again.
Alex: Oh. yeah.

Ryan: [walking past Middle Eastern passengers at airport security check in with Natalie] Five words: "randomly selected for additional screening"

Pete: The Preacher said it absolved us.
Ulysses: For him, not for the law. I'm surprised at you, Pete, I gave you credit for more brains than Delmar.
Delmar: But they was witnesses that seen us redeemed.
Ulysses: That's not the issue Delmar. Even if that did put you square with the Lord, the State of Mississippi's a little more hard-nosed.
Ulysses: Baptism! You two are just dumber than a bag of hammers!

Ryan: [in a hotel bar after emptying their memberships cards from their wallets] Aww... Maplewood card. How dare you bring that into this palace?
Alex: Hilton offers equal value and better food but the Maplewood gives out warm cookies at check-in... I'm a sucker for simulated hospitality.
Ryan: There's an industry term for that. It's a mixture of faux and homey - faumey.
Alex: Oh, my God. I wasn't sure this actually existed. This is the American Airlines...
Ryan: It's a Concierge Key, yeah.
Alex: What is that, carbon fibre?
Ryan: Graphite.
Alex: Oh, I love the weight.
Ryan: I was pretty excited the day that bad boy came in.
Alex: I'll say. I put up pretty pedestrian numbers. 60 thousand a year, domestic.
Ryan: That's not bad.
Alex: Don't patronize me. What's your total?
Ryan: It's a personal question.
Alex: Please.
Ryan: And we hardly know each other.
Alex: Come on, show some hubris. Come on, impress me. I bet it's huge.
Ryan: You have no idea.
Alex: How big? What is it, this big? This big?
Ryan: I don't want to brag.
Alex: Oh, come on! Come on.
Ryan: Let's just say I have a number in mind and I haven't hit it yet.
Alex: This is pretty fucking sexy.
Ryan: Hope it doesn't cheapen our relationship.
Alex: We're two people who get turned on by elite status. I think cheap is our starting point.
Ryan: There's nothing cheap about loyalty.

Seth: [to hostage Gloria] You. Plant yourself in that chair.
Hostage: What are you gonna do with...
Seth: I said "plant yourself." Plants don't talk.

Ulysses: The treasure is still there boys, believe me.
Delmar: But how'd he know about the treasure?
Ulysses: I don't know Delmar. The blind are reputed to possess sensitivities compensating for their lack of sight, even to the point of developing paranormal psychic powers. Now, clearly seeing into the future would fall into neatly into that category; its not so surprising then that an organism deprived of its earthly vision...
Pete: He said we wouldn't get get it. He said we wouldn't get the treasure we seek on account of our ob-stac-les.
Ulysses: Well what the hell does he know, he's just an ignorant old man?

Pappy: And furthermore, by way of endorsing my candidacy, the Soggy Bottom Boys are gonna lead us all in a rousing chorus of "You Are My Sunshine."
[Applause. Pappy turns away from the mike, towards Everett]
Pappy: [no-nonsense] Ain't you, boys?
Ulysses: Governor, it's one of our favorites.
Pappy: Son... you're gonna go far.

[last lines]
Kate: Seth. Want some company?
Seth: Kate, do you know where I'm going? Do you know what El Ray is?
Kate: [shaking her head] No.
Seth: [getting in his car] Go home, Kate. I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard.

Mole: I just want to see... a little sunshine.
Mr. Fox: But you're nocturnal, Phil. Your eyes barely open on a good day.
Mole: I'm sick of your double talk, we have rights!

Ulysses: Pete's cousin turned us in for the bounty.
Pete: The hell you say! Wash is kin!
Washington: Sorry, Pete, I know we're kin, but they got this depression on. I got to do for me and mine.
Pete: I'm gonna kill you, Judas Iscariot Hogwallop!

[talking about Poison Ivy]
Robin: I can't believe we were fighting over a bad guy!
Batman: Bad- Yes. Guy? No.
Robin: Well I'm totally over her, alright? Positively!
Batman: Me too! Definitely!
Batman: Great stems, though...
Robin: Buds, too.
Batman: Yeah, those were nice...

Pomade: I can get the part from Bristol. It'll take two weeks, here's your pomade.
Ulysses: Two weeks? That don't do me no good.
Pomade: Nearest Ford auto man's Bristol.
Ulysses: Hold on, I don't want this pomade. I want Dapper Dan.
Pomade: I don't carry Dapper Dan, I carry Fop.
Ulysses: Well, I don't want Fop, goddamn it! I'm a Dapper Dan man!
Pomade: Watch your language, young feller, this is a public market. Now if you want Dapper Dan, I can order it for you, have it in a couple of weeks.
Ulysses: Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere!

Carlos: So, what, were they psychos, or...
Seth: Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are!

Ulysses: You can't display a toad in a fine restaurant like this! Why, the good folks here would go right off the feed!
Delmar: I just don't think it's right keeping him under wraps like we's ashamed of him.
Ulysses: Well, if it is Pete, I am ashamed of him! Way I see it, he got what he deserved, fornicating with some whore of Babylon. These things don't happen for no reason, Delmar. It's obviously some kinda judgment on his character.
Delmar: Well, the two of us was fixin' to fornicate!

Jacob: Does anybody know what's going on here?
Seth: I know what's going on. We got a bunch of fucking vampires out there, trying to get in here and suck our fucking blood. And that's it. Plain and simple. I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires," because I don't fucking believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what I saw, is fucking vampires. Now, do we all agree that what we are dealing with is vampires?
Kate: Yes.

Matt: We're going back to the shuttle. How's that for a plan? Copy?
Ryan: Fuck!
Matt: Right, copy that.

[as Ryan and Natalie enter the Hilton Miami Airport Hotel]
Natalie: How about just not dying alone?
Ryan: Starting when I was 12, we moved each one of my grandparents into a nursing facility. My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone. Now those cult members in San Diego, with the sneakers and the Kool-Aid, they didn't die alone. I'm just saying there are options.
[Natalie starts to cry]
Ryan: Oh, fuck.
Natalie: [sobs] Brian left me.
[Natalie is sobbing hysterically and hugs Ryan then comforts her and calms her down]
Ryan: All right. Okay, okay. All right. All right.

Mission: Matt, do you have visual on just what Mission Specialist Shariff is doing up there?
Matt: He appears to be doing some form of the Macarena or that would be just a best guess scenario on my part.

Steve: [after being informed by Ryan that his been let go] Did I do something wrong? Is there something I can do differently?
Ryan: This is not an assessment of your productivity. Try not to take this personally. I want you to review this packet. Take it seriously. I think you'll find a lot of good answers in here. This is not an assessment of your productivity
Steve: [Sarcastically] I'm sure this will be very helpful, a packet thank you
Ryan: I need your key card I want you to take the day get together your personal things then tomorrow get yourself some exercise go out for a jog give your some routines and pretty soon you'll find your likes
Steve: How do I get in touch with you?
Ryan: Don't worry we'll be in touch with you soon, this is just the beginning
Ryan: [Narrating] I'll never see Steve again.

Ryan: [sitting next to Natalie] You know why kids love athletes?
Bob: Because they screw lingerie models.
Ryan: No, that's why we love athletes. Kids love athletes because they follow their dreams.
Bob: well I cant dunk

Dr. Michael Mitchell: God bless the chickpea.

Badger: Don't buy this tree, Foxy. You're borrowing at nine and a half with no fixed rate, plus moving into the most dangerous neighborhood in the country for someone of your type of species.
Mr. Fox: You're exaggerating, Badger.
Badger: [chuckles] I'm sugar-coating it, man. This is Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, three of the meanest, nastiest, ugliest farmers in the history of this valley.
Mr. Fox: Really? Tell me about them.
Badger: All right. Walt Boggis is a chicken farmer, probably the most successful in the world. He weighs the same as a young rhinoceros. He eats three chickens every day for breakfast, lunch, supper, and dessert. That's twelve in total per diem. Nate Bunce is a duck and goose farmer. He's approximately the size of a pot-bellied dwarf, and his chin would be underwater in the shallow end of any swimming pool on the planet. His food is home-made donuts with smashed-up goose livers injected into them. Frank Bean is a turkey and apple farmer. He invented his own species of each. He lives on a liquid diet of strong alcoholic cider, which he makes from his apples. He's as skinny as a pencil, as smart as a whip, and possibly the scariest man currently living. The local human children sing a kind of... eerie little rhyme about them. Here, listen to this.
[turns on the radio]
Children's: [singing] Boggis, Bunce, and Bean / One fat, one short, one lean / Those horrible crooks, so different in looks / were nonetheless equally mean.

Ryan: [while eating breakfast in Miami] So, did you wake him up or slip out?
Natalie: What?
Ryan: This morning. Your new friend. Did you wake him up for an awkward goodbye or did you just slip out and make him feel like a whore?
Natalie: [confused] I just left.
Ryan: Protocol's always tricky.

Harry: Ya wanna come downstairs? Ya like surprises?
Linda: [cheerful] Well, I'm always open to new experiences.
Harry: [walking downstairs] Yeah, I tell ya. I saw an ad for this in a gentlemen's magazine. Twelve hundred bucks. I'm lookin' at this thing and I think, 'You gotta be kiddin' me.' I'm a hobbyist. Thing's basically nothing but speed rails. I figure I'd go down to Home Depot and whip this up myself for... a hundred bucks.
Linda: What is it?
Harry: What is it?
[pats the seat of the mechanism]
Harry: You sit down there, make yourself comfortable, put your feet in the stirrups, and...
[cycles the mechanism]
Linda: Oh my God.
[awed whisper]
Linda: That's fantastic.
Harry: It's something, isn't it? Hundred bucks, all in - not counting my labor, and the... cost of the dildo. Those things aren't cheap. See, I'd like to...
Harry: ...I'm not set up to mold hard rubber.

Harry: You work for Tuchman Marsh?
Tuchman Marsh Man: Yes.
Harry: Is that a law firm?
Tuchman Marsh Man: No, a rock band - yes it's a law firm...

Matt: You've got to learn to let go.

Seth: Here is the peace in death I could not give you in life.

Mr. Fox: I don't want to live in a hole anymore. It makes me feel poor.
Mrs. Fox: We ARE poor... but we're happy.
Mr. Fox: Comme ci, comme ca. Anyway, the views are better above ground.

Harry: Who the fuck do you work for, you fucker?

Richie: [about their motel room] Do they have cable?
Seth: No
Richie: Do they have the X-rated channel?
Seth: No.
Richie: Do they have a waterbed?
Seth: Nope.
Richie: Well what do they got?
Seth: They have four walls and a bed and that's all we need.

Pete: Well hell, it ain't square one! Ain't nobody gonna pick up three filthy, unshaved hitch-hikers, and one of them a know-it-all that can't keep his trap shut.
Ulysses: Pete, the personal rancor reflected in that remark I don't intend to dignify with comment. But I would like to address your general attitude of hopeless negativism. Consider the lilies of the goddamn field or... hell! Take at look at Delmar here as your paradigm of hope.
Delmar: Yeah, look at me.

Mr. Fox: [sighs] Who am I, Kylie?
Kylie: Who how? What now?
Mr. Fox: Why a fox? Why not a horse, or a beetle, or a bald eagle? I'm saying this more as, like, existentialism, you know? Who am I? And how can a fox ever be happy without, you'll forgive the expression, a chicken in its teeth?
Kylie: I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds illegal.

Matt: So, what do you like about being up here?
Ryan: The silence.

Seth: And if there is a hell, and those sons of bitches are from it, then there has got to be a heaven... Jacob, there's gotta be.

Seth: OK, ramblers. Let's get rambling.

[first lines]
Ulysses: Say, any of you boys smithies? Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts before straitened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wanderin'?

[after Richard blows up Benny's World of Liquor]
Seth: "Low profile." Do you know what the words "low profile" mean?

Seth: Everybody be cool.
[to Pete]
Seth: YOU - be cool.

San: [interviewing Natalie for a job] So, what happened?
Natalie: How exactly do you mean?
San: You graduated top of your class. You could have had your pick of employment, including right here. Instead, you went to Omaha to... fire people for a living?
Natalie: Challenging work.
San: I'll say. I couldn't imagine doing that day in and day out. Not in this climate.
Natalie: I... followed a boy.
San: I guess we've all done that at some point in our lives.
[the manager pauses and picks up a letter from his desk, showing it to Natalie]
San: This guy says I'd be lucky to have you.
Ryan: [voiceover, reading the letter] To whom it may concern: I can't begin to count the number of people I've fired in my lifetime. So many that I've forgotten what it's like to actually hire someone. We've never met, but I know you'd be lucky to have Natalie Keener. My advice? Take her and don't look back. She'll be the best decision you've made in a long time.
San: [holding his hand out] I sure hope he's right.
[Natalie springs to her feet and shakes hands, gathering her composure and trying not to smile too broadly]

Seth: You serve food here, Jose?
Razor: Best in Mexico.
Seth: I kinda doubt that.

[first lines]
Mission: Please verify that the P1 ATA removal on replacement cap part 1 and 2 are complete.
Explorer: DMA, M1, M2, M3 and M4 are complete.
Mission: Okay. Copy that, Explorer. Dr. Stone, Houston. Medical is concerned about your ECG readings.
Ryan: I'm fine, Houston.
Mission: Well, medical doesn't agree, Doc. Are you feeling nauseous?
Ryan: Not anymore than usual, Houston. Diagnostics are green. Link to communications card ready for data reception. If this works, when we touch down tomorrow, I'm buying all you guys a round of drinks.
Mission: That's a date, Doctor. Just remember, Houston's partial to margaritas
Ryan: Booting comms card now. Please confirm link,
Mission: That's a negative. We're not receiving any data.
Ryan: Standby, Houston, I'm gonna reboot the comms card.
Mission: Standing by.
Matt: Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.
Mission: Please expand.
Matt: Okay, let me tell you a story.

Mr. Fox: One of those slovenly farmers is probably wearing my tail for a necktie.

Ryan: [over the phone] I thought I was a part of your life.
Alex: I thought we signed up for the same thing... I thought our relationship was perfectly clear. You are an escape. You're a break from our normal lives. You're a parenthesis.
Ryan: I'm a parenthesis?

Mr. Fox: They say all foxes are slightly allergic to linoleum, but it's cool to the paw - try it. They say my tail needs to be dry cleaned twice a month, but now it's fully detachable - see? They say our tree may never grow back, but one day, something will. Yes, these crackles are made of synthetic goose and these giblets come from artificial squab and even these apples look fake - but at least they've got stars on them. I guess my point is, we'll eat tonight, and we'll eat together. And even in this not particularly flattering light, you are without a doubt the five and a half most wonderful wild animals I've ever met in my life. So let's raise our boxes - to our survival.

Ulysses: I detect, like me, you're endowed with the gift of gab.

Seth: [puts a gun to Sex-Machine's head] You touch my brother with that stake, biker, and vampires won't have to suck your blood. They'll be able to lick it up off the floor.

Delmar: Care for some gopher?
Ulysses: No thank you, Delmar. A third of a gopher would only arouse my appetite without beddin' 'er back down.
Delmar: Oh, you can have the whole thing. Me and Pete already had one apiece. We ran across a whole... gopher village.

Mr. Fox: The whole time I was putting paw over paw with your mother digging beside me, and I thought to myself: I wonder who this little boy...
Ash: Or girl!
Mr. Fox: Right, 'cause at the time we didn't know. I wonder who this little boy or girl is gonna be? Ash, I'm so glad he was you.

[after first entering the Titty Twister bar]
Seth: I could become a regular.

Mrs. Fox: I'm going to lose my temper now.
Mr. Fox: When?
Mrs. Fox: Right now.
Mr. Fox: Well, when...
[Mrs Fox slashes his face]
Mr. Fox: OW!
Mrs. Fox: Twelve fox years ago, you made a promise to me, while we were caged inside that fox trap, that if we survived, you would never steal another chicken, turkey, goose, duck, or a squab - whatever they are, and I believed you. Why? Why did you lie to me?
Mr. Fox: Because I'm a wild animal.
Mrs. Fox: You are also a husband and a father.
Mr. Fox: I'm trying to tell you the truth about myself.
Mrs. Fox: I don't care about the truth about yourself. This story is too predictable.
Mr. Fox: Predictable? Really? What happens in the end?
Mrs. Fox: In the end, we all die. Unless you change.

Batman: [to Robin] You get the ice, I'll get the Ice Man.

[about to be hung]
Ulysses: It ain't the law!
Sheriff: The law? The law is a human institution.

Matt: [looking up at Earth] Well, you've gotta admit one thing: can't beat the view.

Richie: Where are my glasses?
Seth: They, uh... they broke when you fell.
Richie: Oh, fuck, Seth, these are, like, my only pair!
Seth: Don't worry about it, we'll get you another pair.
Richie: What do you mean, "don't worry about it"? Of course I'm gonna worry about it, I can't fuckin' see.
Seth: I'll take care of it when we get to El Rey.
Richie: Yeah, like some Mexican hole-in-the-wall's gonna have my fucking prescription.

Ryan: [giving a motivational speech] How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. Feel 'em? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. You start with the little things. The things on shelves and in drawers, the knick-knacks, the collectibles. Feel the weight as that adds up. Then you start adding larger stuff, clothes, table-top appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And you go bigger. Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a two bedroom house. I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It's kind of hard, isn't it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. It's kind of exhilarating, isn't it? Now, this is gonna be a little difficult, so stay with me. You have a new backpack. Only this time, I want you to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office, and then you move into the people that you trust with your most intimate secrets. Your cousins, your aunts, your uncles, your brothers, your sisters, your parents and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend or your girlfriend. You get them into that backpack. And don't worry. I'm not gonna ask you to light it on fire. Feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake - your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. Do you feel the straps cutting into your shoulders? All those negotiations and arguments, and secrets and compromises. You don't need to carry all that weight. Why don't you set that bag down? Some animals were meant to carry each other, to live symbiotically for a lifetime - star crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not those animals. The slower we move, the faster we die. We are not swans. We're sharks.

Seth: [ducking behind a display case] Richie! You okay?
Richie: He shot me in the fucking hand, I told you he said help us!
Pete: [screaming in pain] I NEVER SAID HELP US!
Seth: Well it doesn't matter now, because you've got about two fucking seconds to live!

Ulysses: I am a man of constant sorrow, I've seen trouble all my days. I bid farewell to old Kentucky, the place where I was born and raised.
Delmar: The place where he was born and raised.
Ulysses: For six long years I've been in trouble, no pleasure here on Earth I've found. For in this world I'm bound to ramble, I have no friends to help me out.
Delmar: He has no friends to help him out.
Ulysses: Maybe your friends think I'm just a stranger, my face you never will see no more. But there is one promise that is given, I'll meet you on God's golden shore.
Delmar: He'll meet you on God's golden shore.

Ryan: [toNatalie while watching passengers go through airport security] Never get behind people traveling with infants. I've never seen a stroller collapse in less than 20 minutes. Old people are worse. Their bodies are littered with hidden metal and they never seem to appreciate how little time they have left. Bingo, Asians. They pack light, travel efficiently, and they have a thing for slip on shoes. Gotta love 'em.
Natalie: That's racist.
Ryan: I'm like my mother, I stereotype. It's faster.

Robin: Nice catch.
Batman: You break it, you buy it.

Ryan: Kara mentioned you had some thoughts about the marriage.
Jim: I don't think I need you to do this.
Ryan: Why would you say that today?
Jim: Last night I was lying in bed, I couldn't fall asleep, so I started thinking about the wedding and the ceremony. I thought about how we'd buy a house and move in together, I thought about having a kid then having another kid, I thought about Christmases and thanksgivings, spring break vacation, I thought about going to football games then all of a sudden they've graduated, have jobs, getting married and then I'm a grandparent then I'm retired, I'm losing my hair, getting fat and then the next thing I'm dead. I couldn't stop thinking to myself "what's the point?"
Ryan: The point?
Jim: What am I starting?
Ryan: It's marriage it's one of the most beautiful things on earth it's what people aspire to do.
Jim: You seem happier like all my unmarried friends.
Ryan: I'm not going to lie: marriage can be a pain in the ass and your right all this stuff leads to your eventual demise we're all on running clocks that can't be slowed down or paused we're all going to the same place.
Jim: There's no point.
Ryan: There is no point. That's what I'm saying, I'm not normally the guy you'd talk to about stuff like this.

Mr. Fox: [Mr. Fox on a motorcycle speaking to a wolf off on a distant ridge] Where did you come from?
Mr. Fox: What are you doing here?
Mr. Fox: I don't think he speaks English or Latin
Mr. Fox: Pensez-vous que l'hiver sera rude?
Mr. Fox: [as an aside to Ash, Kris, and Kylie in the motorcycle] I'm asking if he thinks we're in for a hard winter.
Mr. Fox: I have a phobia of wolves.
Mr. Fox: What a beautiful creature.
Mr. Fox: [as an aside to Ash, Kris, and Kyle in the motorcycle] Wish him luck boys.

- I belong here.
- I know.
- Will you come and dance with me?
David: Let's go dance.

Alex: [in Miami, referring to Natalie's boyfriend] He broke up with you over text message?
Ryan: That's kind of like firing someone over the Internet.

Georgia: Two please
David: Just leave the bottle
[gasps as the bottle falls to the floor]
David: Are you okay?
Georgia: It's just George Clooney. We have another one.
David: 1-800-Brad Pitt

Jacob: Are you such a fucking loser, you can't tell when you've won?
Seth: What did you call me?
Jacob: Nothing. I didn't make a statement. I asked a question. Would you like me to ask it again?
Seth: Umm-hmm.
Jacob: Are you such a loser, you can't tell when you've won? The entire state of Texas, along with the F.B.I., are looking for you. Did they find you? No. They couldn't. You've won, Seth. Enjoy it.

Ulysses: I like the smell of my hair treatment; the pleasing odor is half the point.

Natalie: [on the docks in Miami] What happened to Alex?
Ryan: She had to leave town to get to a meeting
Natalie: That's too bad, where'd she live?
Ryan: Chicago
Natalie: Are you going to go see her?
Ryan: We don't really have that kind of relationship
Natalie: What kind of relationship do you have?
Ryan: Casual
Natalie: Sounds pretty special
Natalie: Do you think there's a future there?
Ryan: We never really thought about it, what's going on here?
Natalie: Really never thought about it?
Ryan: No
Natalie: How can you not think about that? How does it not cross your mind that you might want a future with someone?
Ryan: It just doesn't
Natalie: Don't you think it's worth giving her a chance?
Ryan: A chance at what?
Natalie: A chance at something real
Ryan: Your definition of "real" is going to evolve as you get older
Natalie: The isolation, the traveling is that supposed to be charming?
Ryan: No, it's simply a life choice
Natalie: It's a cocoon of self-banishment
Ryan: Wow big words
Natalie: You have a set a way of life that basically makes it impossible for you to have any kind of human connection and now this woman comes along and somehow runs the gauntlet of your ridiculous life choice comes out on the other end smiling, just so you can call her "casual"? I need to grow up? You're a twelve year old

Sex: He's not your brother anymore.
Seth: Well, that is a matter of opinion and I do not give a fuck about yours.

Mr. Fox: Ash, are you mad at me? I understand if you are and I'm sorry; I wouldn't have ever involved your cousin if I had realized you would feel this way. It was only ever just because he's kind of a natural... I mean... I mean look at him dig!
[View changes to Kristofferson, Kylie and Mrs. Fox digging, with Kristofferson leading with athletic determination, then switches back]
Mr. Fox: Anyway, I'm sorry if you feel any...
Ash: [as he shoves dirt in his ears] You know what? I'm just gonna put dirt in my ears. Ow... That's better. I can't hear you now, but keep talking.

Seth: Don't you ever try and fucking run on us.
[holds a gun to Gloria's head]
Seth: I've got six little friends and they can all run faster than you can.

Ryan: [on the docks in Miami] You know that moment when you look into somebody's eyes and you can feel them staring into your soul and the whole world goes quiet just for a second?
Natalie: Yes.
Ryan: [shrugs] Right. Well, I don't.
Natalie: you're an asshole.