The Best Mission Control Quotes

[first lines]
Mission: Please verify that the P1 ATA removal on replacement cap part 1 and 2 are complete.
Explorer: DMA, M1, M2, M3 and M4 are complete.
Mission: Okay. Copy that, Explorer. Dr. Stone, Houston. Medical is concerned about your ECG readings.
Ryan: I'm fine, Houston.
Mission: Well, medical doesn't agree, Doc. Are you feeling nauseous?
Ryan: Not anymore than usual, Houston. Diagnostics are green. Link to communications card ready for data reception. If this works, when we touch down tomorrow, I'm buying all you guys a round of drinks.
Mission: That's a date, Doctor. Just remember, Houston's partial to margaritas
Ryan: Booting comms card now. Please confirm link,
Mission: That's a negative. We're not receiving any data.
Ryan: Standby, Houston, I'm gonna reboot the comms card.
Mission: Standing by.
Matt: Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.
Mission: Please expand.
Matt: Okay, let me tell you a story.

Mission: Matt, do you have visual on just what Mission Specialist Shariff is doing up there?
Matt: He appears to be doing some form of the Macarena or that would be just a best guess scenario on my part.

Matt: Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.
Mission: Please elaborate.
Matt: Well, it reminds of a story.

Mission: I.S.S., this Houston, Explorer this is Houston.
Explorer: Go ahead Houston.
Mission: Mission Abort. Repeat, Mission Abort. Explorer initiate emergency disconnect from Hubble. I.S.S. Initiate emergency evacuation.

Matt: Explorer, this is Kowalski confirming visual contact with debris, debris is from a BSE sat. To repeat, I have...
Ryan: Dr. Stone requesting faster transport.
Matt: We have to go, we have to go, go, go!
Mission: Kennedy reports meteorological conditions no-go...
Ryan: Houston, Explorer, copy.
Ryan: Explorer, Dr. Stone requesting faster transport to bay area. Explorer do you copy?
Matt: Explorer, permission to retrieve Dr. Stone.
Explorer: You're a go Kowalski. Houston, this is Explorer, copy... We've lost Houston... we've lost Houston.
Matt: Unstrap. Look, we need to get he hell out of here!
Shariff: Need some help there, Matt?
Matt: No, don't wait for us!
[a piece of debris hit Shariff on the face killing him instantly]
Matt: Man Down! Man Down!
Matt: Houston this is Explorer, copy. Houston this is Explorer, copy. Kowalski repor...
[transmission interrupts]
Ryan: [Explorer shuttle is hit and destroyed by debris carrying Dr. Stone, still attached, around] Ah! Ah!
Matt: Explorer's been hit. Explorer do you read? Explorer, over, Explorer? Astronaut is off structure. Dr Stone is off structure. Dr. Stone detach! You must detach!
Ryan: [Still attached] No! No!
Matt: If you don't detach that arm's gonna carry you too far! Listen to my voice! You need to focus! I'm losing visual of you. In a few seconds I won't be able to track you. You need to detach. I can't see you any more. Do it now!
Ryan: I'm trying! I'm trying!
[Ryan detaches and flies away into space]
Matt: Houston, I've lost visual of Dr. Stone!