The Best Geostorm Quotes

Leonard: How the hell did you...
President: How? Because I'm the goddamn President of the United States of America. You're done, Leonard.

Jake: Hernandez, you son of a bitch!
Al: Thank the Mexican.

Sarah: Assistant Secretary Lawson, I'm not permitted to engage in casual conversation while I'm at a post. We are being watched. We're always being watched.
Max: Well, if we're always being watched, then what's the point of hiding anything?
Sarah: You're interfering with my duties. I'd rather not shoot you.
Max: Well, it would be an honor to be the first person that you kill.

Jake: [Confronting him] Come on, man. Why'd you do it?
Duncan: Well, you know well what us lowly scientists get paid. Take that a thousand times.
Jake: What difference is it gonna make? If you don't stop, there's not gonna be a planet to spend it on.
Duncan: Please. We're gonna keep all the best bits. Aren't you a little bit curious to watch the world burn?
Jake: No. 'Cause millions of people are gonna die. And one of them's my daughter.

[last lines]
Hannah: You can't undo the past. All you can do is face what's ahead. NASA maintained the satellites while we rebuilt the space station. We made it safer, made it stronger. It belongs to all of us now. One planet, one people. As long as we remember that we share one future, we will survive.

Leonard: I've given you an opportunity, Mr. President. You should take it.
President: An opportunity? It's genocide, Leonard!
Leonard: You say genocide, I say preemptive strike.
President: You've lost your mind!
Leonard: Tomorrow the sun will rise. All our enemies will be gone. Wiped away as if by the hand of God.
President: Why would you do this?
Leonard: Because no one else would. I'm turning the clock back to 1945, when America was a shiny city on a hill, not just a bank disguised as a country.

Max: I gotta show you something. Take a look at this.
Jake: [watching video] You remember that day Dad took us fishing? He dropped his cell phone in Key Biscayne.
Max: Our dad never took us fishing.
Dana: Oh. That's sad. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not any good at the, like, "talk about your daddy issues" kind of friend thing. I just...
Max: What? No, no, no... It's a code.

Ute: This is Mr. Jake Lawson.
Duncan: You're Jake Lawson?
Ray: THE Jake Lawson? Y-You look much older than I would've thought. I-I mean, you look good, but y-your physical appearance is not does not match the-the amount of time that has elapsed in your life... Am I getting fired?

Leonard: What the hell is Dutch Boy if not playing God? Ask Max. Science is all about playing God. Sometimes God doesn't play so nice.
Max: You know what my brother would say?
Leonard: What?
[Max punches Dekkom]

Sarah: Gunman spotted, Potus is compromised, evac to secure location Alpha
[fires 5 shots]

Ute: Let me introduce to your team.
Duncan: Oh, of course, an American.
Jake: Actually, my brother and I were born in in the UK, but thank you.
Duncan: Yeah, but you've got the old Stars and Stripes on your arm there and a cowboy look in your eye. Oh, no offense.

Hannah: Are you going back up to space?
Jake: No.
Hannah: Yes, you are! You're leaving today to fix Dutch Boy.
Jake: What did I tell you about eavesdropping?
Hannah: You never told me anything about eavesdropping. You don't really do much parenting.

Lammy: Lawson? You're the Dutch Boy guy, right?
Jake: Yeah.
Lammy: Man, I need to shake your hand.
Jake: Oh, okay.
Lammy: Tornado? Zap! Blizzard? Zap! Monsoon?
Jake: Zap?
Lammy: Zap!

Max: All right, Dekkom is trying to change the map of the world.
President: And what? Blame it on a computer glitch?
Max: Yeah, well, that and a dead president. He'll take office after wiping out everyone in the life of succession.
[the arena is destroyed by the lightning storm]
President: Dear God.

[after Sarah shoots the secret service agents and flips the car]
President: [looks at Max] Marry her

[first lines]
Hannah: [narrating] Everyone was warned, but no one listened. A rise in temperature, ocean patterns changed and ice caps melted. They call it extreme weather. They didn't know what "extreme" was. In the year 2019, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and droughts unleashed a wave of destruction upon our planet. We didn't just lose towns or beachfronts. We lost entire cities. The East River swallowed Lower Manhattan. A heat wave in Madrid killed two million people in just one day. But in that moment, facing our own extinction, it became clear that no single nation could solve this problem alone. The world came together as one, and we fought back. Scientists from 17 countries, lead by the U.S. and China, worked tirelessly. Not as representative of their nations, but of humanity. They found a way to neutralize storms with a net of thousands of satellites each deploying countermeasures designed to impact the basic elements of weather, heat, pressure and water, all overseen by the International Space Station. They gave the satellite net a technical name, but we all came to call it Dutch Boy after the story of a child who plugged a dam with his finger. This is what saved us all. And it was built by a team led by one man... my father.

Jake: [on Dutch Boy] This was my life's work, Max. You know, they said it was impossible, but we pulled it off. And it worked perfectly, without fail, day after day, year after year, so what do people do with it? Turn it into a gun.

Ray: [Incredulous after Duncan starts a chain reaction] Self-destruct? Why would you build that into the station?
Jake: [Abruptly] In case it fell to Earth.