The Best Mrs. Fox Quotes

Mr. Fox: Wake up, everybody, they're digging us out!
Mrs. Fox: They'll kill the children!
Mr. Fox: Over my dead body they will!
Mrs. Fox: That's what I'm saying, you'd be dead too in that scenario!
Mr. Fox: Well, I'm arguing against that!
Mrs. Fox: What are you talking about?
Kylie: STOP, STOP, STOP! You say one thing, she says another, and it all changes back again!

[from trailer]
Mrs. Fox: You know, you really are... fantastic.
Mr. Fox: I try.

Mrs. Fox: [sees her husband, Kris and Kylie sneaking through the kitchen] Another book party?
Mr. Fox: [surprised] Oh! I didn't see you sitting in the dark over there.
[grins sheepishly]
Mr. Fox: Yeah! No actually, there's a fire. I just got the call; they said maybe it's arson. I've got to interview the marshal and see if it's...
Mrs. Fox: [turns on the light] Kylie, is he telling the truth?
Kylie: I... I don't want to be put into the middle of this!
Mr. Fox: Thanks, Kylie.
Mrs. Fox: Why is he wearing that bandit hat?
[points at Kris, wearing a bandit hat]
Mr. Fox: His ears were cold. He's not with us.
[to Kris]
Mr. Fox: Go back to bed.
[Kris leaves and closes the door]
Mrs. Fox: If what I think is happening, IS happening... it better not be.

Ash: [Mr. Fox has just lost his tail in the shooting] It'll grow back, won't it?
Kylie: Tails don't grow back.
Ash: Tails don't grow back?
Kylie: Uh-uh. 'Cept for lizards.
Mr. Fox: Tails don't grow back. I'm gonna be tail-less for the rest of my life.
Ash: Well, anyway, it's not half as bad as double pneumonia, right? I mean his dad's got one foot in the grave and three feet on a banana peel. That's a lot worse than just a...
Kristofferson: [ricochets an acorn around the room, which lands in the teacup he is holding] Excuse me, everyone. I'm gonna go meditate for half an hour.
[exits quickly]
Mrs. Fox: [to Ash] You have got twenty-nine minutes to come up with a proper apology.
Ash: Me? ME have an apology? He gets a bandit hat? He just got here, and he gets a bandit hat? Where's MY bandit hat? Why didn't I get shot at? It's because, you... you... you think I'm no good at anything! Well, maybe you're right, thanks.
[stomps away angrily and slams door upon exit]
Kylie: [to Mr. Fox] Told ya not to bring him.

Mrs. Fox: I'm going to lose my temper now.
Mr. Fox: When?
Mrs. Fox: Right now.
Mr. Fox: Well, when...
[Mrs Fox slashes his face]
Mr. Fox: OW!
Mrs. Fox: Twelve fox years ago, you made a promise to me, while we were caged inside that fox trap, that if we survived, you would never steal another chicken, turkey, goose, duck, or a squab - whatever they are, and I believed you. Why? Why did you lie to me?
Mr. Fox: Because I'm a wild animal.
Mrs. Fox: You are also a husband and a father.
Mr. Fox: I'm trying to tell you the truth about myself.
Mrs. Fox: I don't care about the truth about yourself. This story is too predictable.
Mr. Fox: Predictable? Really? What happens in the end?
Mrs. Fox: In the end, we all die. Unless you change.

Mrs. Fox: If we're still alive in the morning I want you to find another line of work.
Mr. Fox: Okay.
Title: Two years later - 12 fox-years.

Mr. Fox: I love you, Felicity.
Mrs. Fox: I love you too. But I shouldn't have married you.

Mr. Fox: [to his wife] Badger's right. These farmers aren't gonna quit until they catch me. I shouldn't have lied to your face. I shouldn't have fallen off the wagon and started stealing chickens on the sly. I shouldn't have driven these farmers so far and cussed with their heads. I enjoyed it, but I shouldn't have done it. But now there's only one way out of this. Maybe if I hand myself over and let them kill me, stuff me, and hang me over their mantelpiece...
Mrs. Fox: You'll do no such thing.
Mr. Fox: Darling, maybe they'll let everyone else live.
Mrs. Fox: [in tears] Oh, why did you have to get us into this, Foxy?
Mr. Fox: I don't know, but I have a possible theory. I think I have this thing where I need everybody to think I'm the greatest, the quote-unquote Fantastic Mr. Fox. And if people aren't knocked out and dazzled and slightly intimidated by me, I don't feel good about myself. Foxes traditionally like to court danger, hunt prey, and outsmart predators, and that's what I'm good at. I think at the end of the day, I'm just...
Mrs. Fox: I know, we're wild animals.
Mr. Fox: Hmm. I guess we always were. I promise you, if I had all this to do over again, I'd have never let you down. It was always more fun when we did it together, anyway.

[first lines]
Mr. Fox: What'd the doctor say?
Mrs. Fox: Nothing. Supposedly it's just a 24-hour bug. He gave me some pills.
Mr. Fox: I told you, you probably just ate some bad gristle.

Rat: Look at you, girl! You're still as fine looking as a creme brulee!
Mrs. Fox: Excuse me? Am I being flirted with by a psychotic rat?

Mr. Fox: I don't want to live in a hole anymore. It makes me feel poor.
Mrs. Fox: We ARE poor... but we're happy.
Mr. Fox: Comme ci, comme ca. Anyway, the views are better above ground.

Mrs. Fox: [to Ash] We're all different.
[indicates Mr. Fox]
Mrs. Fox: Especially him. But there's something kind of fantastic about that, isn't there?