The Best Batman Quotes

Mr. Freeze: Uh-oh!
Batman: I'm putting you on ice.

[first lines]
Robin: [checking out the Batmobile] I want a car. Chicks dig the car.
Batman: This is why Superman works alone.

Robin: Nice catch.
Batman: You break it, you buy it.

Robin: She knows who we are. Guess we'll have to kill her.
Batman: Yep, we'll kill her later. We've got work to do.

Batman: [to Robin] You get the ice, I'll get the Ice Man.

Batman: Hey, Freeze. The heat is on.

Batman: And you are...?
Batgirl: Batgirl.
Batman: That's not awfully PC. What about Batperson, or Batwoman?
Batgirl: Bruce, it's me, Barbara. I found the Batcave.
Robin: We gotta get those locks changed.
Batman: She knows who we are.
Robin: I guess we'll just have to kill her.
Batman: Yep, we'll kill her later, we have work to do.

[talking about Poison Ivy]
Robin: I can't believe we were fighting over a bad guy!
Batman: Bad- Yes. Guy? No.
Robin: Well I'm totally over her, alright? Positively!
Batman: Me too! Definitely!
Batman: Great stems, though...
Robin: Buds, too.
Batman: Yeah, those were nice...

Batman: Hi, Freeze. I'm Batman.
[slides down dinosaur statue]

Dick: I could have made that jump!
Batman: And you could have splattered your brains all over the side of the building.
Dick: You know, in the circus, the Flying Graysons were a team. We had to trust each person to do their jobs. That's what being partners is all about. Sometimes, counting on someone else is the only way you win.
Batman: Your head wasn't even on the job. All you could think about was Poison Ivy.
Dick: You just can't stand it! Maybe she wanted me instead of you. I mean, this is your idea of friendship, isn't it, Bruce? It's your house, it's your rules, it's your way to the highway! And it's Batman and Robin, not Robin and Batman, and I'm sick of it!
Batman: Yes, it's my rules. My rules to keep us alive, and if you want to stay in this house and on this team, you will abide by them.
Dick: This is no partnership. You're never gonna trust me!

Batman: Who invited you?
Robin: I was just hanging around.
Batman: I thought you were gonna stay in the museum. Round up some thugs.
Robin: How 'bout, "Nice to see ya? Glad you're here to save my life."

Robin: Where's the snowman?
Batgirl: Maybe he melted.
Batman: No, he's just hibernating.