20 Best Michael Gough Quotes

Cardinal: Each and every time the Doctor returns to Gallifrey there's violence.
Councillor: Perhaps it is we who should modify our approiach.
Cardinal: He resisted the guard!
Councillor: We send armed guards when a friendy face and a welcoming hand would've sufficed. Are you surprised that he resisted?

The: Lady Luck will show the way, win the game, or here you stay.

Alfred: [Bruce is with Chase when he contacts him] I'm sorry to bother you, sir. But I have some rather distressing news about Master Dick.
Bruce: What, is he all right?
Alfred: I'm afraid Master Dick has... gone traveling.
Bruce: He ran away?
Alfred: Actually, he took the car.
Bruce: He boosted the Jag?
Alfred: Not the Jaguar. The other car.
Bruce: The Bentley?
Alfred: No, sir. The other car.

[last lines]
Barbara: Partners?
Dick: Partners.
Bruce: Partners.
Alfred: We're going to need a bigger cave.

Bruce: [working on the Batcomputer. Alfred sets down a bowl of soup in front of him. He picks up the spoon and takes a sip, only to spit it out] Cold!
Alfred: It's vichyssoise.
Bruce: [stares, not knowing why it's important]
Alfred: It's *supposed* to be cold.

Alfred: Young men with a mind for revenge need little encouragement. They need guidance. You, above all, should know the consequences of the life you choose.

Alfred: Broken wings mend in time. One day Robin will fly again. I promise.

The: We need to go up. Upstairs? To visit the land of the living.
Elder: Land of the living? Oh, my dear.
The: Please, Elder Gutknecht.
Elder: Now, why go up there when people are dying to get down here?
Victor: Sir, I beg you to help. It means so much to me... us.
Elder: I don't know. It's just not natural.
The: Please, Elder Gutknecht. Surely there must be something you can do.
Elder: Let me see what I can do.

Alfred: Is the young master leaving? Pity. I'll just toss this away, then. Perhaps the dogs are hungry.

[last lines]
Alfred: Well, come what may. Merry Christmas, Mister Wayne.
Bruce: Merry Christmas, Alfred. Good will toward men... and women.

Elder: Just remember, when you want to come back, say "Hopscotch."
The: Hopscotch?
Elder: That's it.

Bruce: Here's what I want you to do... tell Selina - tell Miss Kyle in there - tell her, uh, tell her I had to go out of town, a big business deal came up or some... no, you know what? Tell her, you know, not in some dumb, "be my girlfriend" kind of way...
Alfred: I will relay the message.
Bruce: Great.
[runs out]
Alfred: Miss Kyle...
Selina: Alfred, hi!
Alfred: Mr. Wayne told me to tell you...
Selina: Mr. Wayne? Oh, Bruce. Yes. Um, would you tell him for me that, uh, I've been going through a lot of changes, and... no. Um, just that this is not a rejection, my abruptly leaving. In fact, he makes me feel the way I hope I really am... no! Could you just make up a sonnet or something? A dirty limerick?
Alfred: One has just sprung to mind.
Selina: Thanks!
[runs out]

Alfred: Let's not forget about repairing the Batmobile. There's certain security to consider. It's not as though we can take it to any old "Joe's bodyshop," is it, sir?
Bruce: Security? Who let Vicki Vale into the Batcave? I'm sitting there working and I turn around, there she is. "Oh hi, Vick - come on in."

Maggot: Let me at him! Let me at him! Don't hold me back!
Elder: [holding crowd back] Wait! We must abide by their rules! We are amongst the living.
Barkis: Well said.
[drinks potion]
Maggot: [after Lord Barkis drinks potion] Not anymore!
Elder: Yep. You're right. He's all yours.

[Dick tries to open a door in Wayne Manor, but it won't budge]
Alfred: May I help you, Master Grayson?
Dick: How come this is the only locked door in this museum? What've you got back here?
Alfred: Master Wayne's dead wives.
[Dick gives him a look]
Alfred: The silver closet. On your way.

Alfred: Master Bruce. Master Bruce. How are you, young man?
Bruce: You haven't called me that for a long time.
Alfred: Old habits die hard. Are you all right?
Bruce: Where's Chase?
Alfred: I'm afraid they've taken Dr. Meridian. Master Dick has run away. The cave has been destroyed. And there's another riddle.

Alfred: [first lines; about bringing a sandwich before action] Can I persuade you to take a sandwich with you, sir?
Batman: I'll get drive-thru.

Bruce: Well, he's over-eager. He's impulsive. I can't trust him not to get hurt.
Alfred: Perhaps the truth is you really don't trust anyone.
Bruce: Oh, don't tell me you're on his side, again.
Alfred: Despite all your talents, you are still a novice in the ways of family. Master Dick follows the same star as you but gets there by his own course. You must learn to trust him, for that is the nature of family.
Bruce: I trust *you*, Alfred.
Alfred: But I shan't be here forever.

Alfred: There is no defeat in death, Master Bruce. Victory comes in defending what we know is right while we still live.

Councillor: [to Omega] What we are, we owe to you. Your return is all that matters.