The Best Steve Quotes

Steve: [after being informed by Ryan that his been let go] Did I do something wrong? Is there something I can do differently?
Ryan: This is not an assessment of your productivity. Try not to take this personally. I want you to review this packet. Take it seriously. I think you'll find a lot of good answers in here. This is not an assessment of your productivity
Steve: [Sarcastically] I'm sure this will be very helpful, a packet thank you
Ryan: I need your key card I want you to take the day get together your personal things then tomorrow get yourself some exercise go out for a jog give your some routines and pretty soon you'll find your likes
Steve: How do I get in touch with you?
Ryan: Don't worry we'll be in touch with you soon, this is just the beginning
Ryan: [Narrating] I'll never see Steve again.