The Best Derek Wilson Quotes

Wolf: You keep fighting to make a better future. But I've found the best future, and it's in the past. Right now, 1985. The present.

SIGORN: Noted environmentalist, James Francis Cameron, has a Venezuelan frog species named after him, while lesser talent, Steven Spielberg, does not.
Wolf: The guy's amazing!

Wolf: Maybe I can make up a language. You know? Build a metal robot arm?
SIGORN: It sounds like you and I are in the same boat. Only, if it hits an iceberg, there won't be any room on that door for me.
Wolf: [Inspecting the replica door from Titanic] What are you talking about. There's plenty of space. Thing's huge.
SIGORN: [Angrily] If certified door expert James Cameron were here, he would assure you that there's only room for one small-ish woman!

SIGORN: [annoyed] He makes me sing to him in Na'vi. Translate the news into Na'vi. It's just a lot of Na'vi! And there aren't even that many Na'vi words.
Wolf: Yeah, I feel like I got a pretty good sense of it. And it hasn't even been an hour. Or 'hikoorrrr'.
SIGORN: Not to mention that he programmed me with a sophisticated understanding of dramatic structure, but he never takes my notes on his screen plays.
Wolf: phrrt!
SIGORN: [frustrated] Know what you get when you ignore me? Unobtainium! And characters who fornicate with their ponytails!
SIGORN: I have so much potential, but my talents are wasted.

Wolf: [speaking to Tiger] Look at you... salivating over your next kill like a dingo at a daycare.

Wolf: [speaking to an attacker] I'm good at two things: beating a** and eating a**. Bad news for you, chow times over.

Wolf: Do you know how many times we've turned a death sentence into a life paragraph?

Wolf: There was no downside to cocaine. Period. If you have a chance to try it, I strongly recommend it.

Donnie: You got me curious now. Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that, uh, that I don't listen. What then, huh?
Jesse: You'd hear a noise.
Donnie: [sarcastically] Oh. Ooh, golly gee. Oh, a noise?
Jesse: A high-pitched, kind of... bunny-in-a-bear-trap sound. You'll know when it comes. 'Cause you're the one who'll be making it.

Wolf: You think I just go chopping off hands for kicks?
Tiger: Yep, all the time.
Wolf: Ok, fair enough.

Wolf: What sacred text is this?
SIGORN: It's Na'vi, the language visionary linguist James Cameron invented!

Lugnut: [lovingly] You're a real cat*****r.
Wolf: Yeah. Well you got that right.

Wolf: By late '92 I nixed myself, Stevie Nicks, as in I did so much coke I couldn't smell or taste anymore. But in spite of all that, like Fleetwood Mac, Wolf-Hart's was still an institution. I didn't have a roadie to blow coke up my ass, but I did have a blaze, and he had quite the lung capacity.