The Best Detective Cavanaugh Quotes

Blaine: It may have gotten back to Mr. Boss that I had developed, um, feelings for Miss Charles
Detective: And those feelings were..
Peyton: Unreciprocated.
Detective: Yeah, but, boy... Talk about grand gestures.
Ravi: "Unreciprocated," she said. You didn't get that down.
Detective: Only because I can't spell it.

Detective: Hey, any idea why Liv Moore would text me "Down to duck" in the middle of the night? My wife was pissed, I had to sleep on the couch.

Detective: [Clive's gun guy is at the station] This guy says he sold you some concert tickets?
Clive: Uh, yeah, that's right.
Detective: Cool. Who are you gonna go see?
Clive: ...Music.

Olivia: It gets worse. Detective Cavanaugh is on the case.
Ravi: Detective Cavanaugh? That weasel-faced kiss-ass? He'd waterboard his own mom if it meant making lieutenant.
Detective: [Enters] To make lieutenant?C'mon. I'm not a monster. Now, for captain's bars? I'd go full Gitmo on the old biddy.