The Best Devinoni Ral Quotes

Counselor: I haven't been able to stop thinking about you all day.
[they kiss]
Devinoni: You must have had a nice day.

Devinoni: Who counsels the Counselor?

Devinoni: [to Troi] At the negotiating table... it can be fatal to have a heart. But I never realized how much I needed mine - until I looked at you.

Devinoni: I had to do it, Troi. Bhavani was ready to go with the Federation. I sensed it. I'd used up every card in the deck. I needed to change the rules.
Counselor: You must have known I couldn't allow you to do that.
Devinoni: My Human physical response must have been blocking my Betazoid senses.

Devinoni: The point of negotiating is to take advantage, Deanna. I don't know what the other side is offering, and they don't know what I'm offering. So we dance around each other until someone wins. And I never cry foul when I lose.

[Troi is arguing with Ral about the unethical use of his empathic powers to gain an advantage over his rivals]
Devinoni: Do you tell the Romulan that's about to attack that you sense that he may be bluffing? Or do you just tell it to your Captain?
Counselor: [ponders this for a moment] That's different. That's a matter of protection.
Devinoni: Yes, protection - your protection, your Captain, your crew, your edge. Yes. Now, it's a matter of life and death when you take the advantage; me... I deal in property. Exchanges. Nobody gets hurt. So, you tell me - which one of us would you say has more of a problem with ethics?

Devinoni: [about negotiating] You know, you're very good at this - very good. Much better than you realize.
Commander William T. Riker: Well, I hope I'm better than *you* realize.

Devinoni: [of Troi] She's a remarkable woman. Brilliant, lovely... very passionate. And she could've been yours, Will. But you just didn't do enough to keep her. And now, well... I'm here. And I'm gonna take her, too.
Commander William T. Riker: [smiles sardonically] That's the first bad play I've seen you make. If you can bring happiness into Deanna's life, nothing would please me more. You know, you're really not such a bad sort, Ral. Except you don't have any values - beyond the value of today's bid, that is. Deanna is just the woman to bring some meaning to your sorry existence, if you're smart enough to take it. I doubt that you are. To the last mile.

Devinoni: [to Riker] The last mile of the marathon is always the toughest. That's when the winners are willing to take the big risks. You willing to do that?

[last lines]
Devinoni: I'm very grateful for what you did, in a way. It's made me take a hard look at who I am. I don't like what I see. I once asked you to run away with me; and now I'm asking again. I need you. You could help me change, you could... you could be my conscience.
[he kisses her]
Counselor: I already have a job as counselor.

Devinoni: Commander, I realize what a difficult position this must be for you. If you don't understand something, I hope you won't be too embarrassed to ask me.
Commander William T. Riker: I think I have an idea what the rules are.
Devinoni: Well, that's what makes it so interesting. The rules of the game change to fit the moment.
Commander William T. Riker: Not unlike commanding a starship, Mr. Ral.