The Best Dick Barone Quotes

Tony: [Meeting to discuss which garbage routes belong to whom] so that's it: Albert splits Nutley with Delesio Brothers and Barone here keeps everything north of Patterson, what else do we have to talk about?
Dick: Fairfield Township is taking bids next week
Richie: What's there to talk about? Fairfield's mine
Tony: Was yours. I don't give bids to the "handicapped", your fuckin deaf because I told you ten times then I find out your still dealing blow on those garbage routes
Richie: [Confused] For that I'm losing a fuckin bid?
Tony: Next time you'll find yourself in the back of one of your trucks
Jackie Aprile Jr.: Those are my father's garbage routes
Albert: Actually fellas, my cousin Larry wants the Fairfield contract, since he was family and what not, while his in jail awaiting trial
Tony: See? This is why we have a fixed bid club because everybody has a story on why they should move to the front of the line
Richie: I've been in line for ten fuckin years
Jackie Aprile Jr.: My uncle is just asking for what my father would've given him if he was boss when Richie was getting out of prison and it had nothing to do with that they were brothers: you respecting my father you should respect Richie
Tony: Those who want respect, give respect
Richie: [to Jackie Jr] See? He just told you to shut the fuck up and he told me to go fuck myself

Tony: [after meeting Barone's secretary] Nice rack
Dick: Born Again Christian
Tony: [intrigued] Oh yeah?
Dick: Listen, while I have you here we may have a little problem: Richie Aprile
Tony: Yeah, I know, I heard he tipped the truck at the deli in Nutley
Dick: Fucking guy but that's not it. One of our drivers, Richie's got him running an operation selling blow along the routes: now the Department of Sanitation I can handle but if the DEA gets involved, we're gonna lose our 901
Tony: Son of a fuckin bitch
Dick: I'm sorry, I don't like to break your balls
Tony: You know that piece of shit is gonna be my brother-in-law? Nice huh?