The Best District Attorney Gil Colson Quotes

The: Since your justice is so select, please tell us which vermin you're paid to protect.
District: Which vermin?
Batman: The rat. The informant you all protect from the Salvatore Maroni case.
District: How do you know about that?
Batman: What's his name?
The: Twenty seconds.
District: No.
Batman: He's gonna kill you.
District: I'm a dead man either way. You're talking to a dead man, okay? If I go out this way, it's just me. But if I give over that name, I have family, people I love. He'll kill them, too.
Batman: Who will?
District: People are watching.
Batman: What people?
District: It's so much bigger than you could ever imagine. It's the whole system!
The: Five! Four!
District: Oh, God, have mercy on me.
The: Three! Goodbye!
[the bomb timer hits zero and detonates]