50 Best Paul Dano Quotes

The: It can be cruel, poetic or blind. But when its denied, it's your violence you may find.
Batman: Justice. The answer's justice.

Hank: You just seemed really happy, and I wasn't.

Manny: Pup pup pup pup pup pup pup pup pup pup pup.
Hank: What are you doing?
Manny: I'm singing a song so you won't overthink things.

Daniel: [mumbles] Abandoned my child.
Eli: Say it louder... say it louder!
Daniel: I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!
Eli: Now beg for the blood!
Daniel: [sotto voce] Please, give me the blood, Eli. Let me get out of here.
Daniel: [aloud] Give me the blood, Lord, and let me get away!

Hank: Poop is when your body takes everything it doesn't want and squeezes it out your butt.

Eli: Matt, time to go, time to go!
Matthew: What happened?
Klitz: It got bad. Bolt! Bolt!
Klitz: [running away] Dude, wait up!
Eli: [running in front of Klitz] Fuck you, dude!

Eli: What about our oil?
Daniel: What about it?
Eli: We have oil here. That's worth something.
Daniel: Do you have someone who can drill for it? Do you think there's oil here?
Eli: I know there is.
Daniel: lt's very expensive to drill. To get it up and out of the ground. You ever tried that before?
Eli: How much is it?
Daniel: Costly.
Eli: Well, our oil sits right up on top of the ground.
Daniel: l believe that's called seepage. Doesn't necessarily mean there's anything underneath.
Eli: What would you give us for it?

The: [message] From your secret friend / Who? Haven't a clue / Let's play a game / Just me and you.

Hank: You're the grossest thing in this gross world.

Batman: We didn't do anything together.
The: We did. What did we just do? I asked you to bring him in the light, and you did. We're such a good team.
Batman: We're not a team.
The: I never could have gotten him out of there. I-I'm not physical. My strength is up here.
[indicating his brain]
The: I mean, I... I had all the pieces, I had the answers. But I didn't know how to make them listen. You gave me that.
Batman: I gave you nothing.
The: You showed me what was possible. You showed me all it takes is fear and a little focused violence. You inspired me.
Batman: You're out of your goddamn mind.

Hank: How do you expect anyone to want to talk to you if you sound retarded? I sound like my dad.

Hank: What's important is you remembering your life.
Manny: Okay. What is life?

The: You're a part of this, too.
Batman: How am I a part of this?
The: You'll see.

Manny: You wanna go home so you can have love?
Hank: Yeah.
Manny: But you ran away 'cause nobody loves you?
Hank: That's not true.
Manny: You're broken and empty and dirty and smelly and useless and old. You're like trash, right?

Eli: Mr. Bandy has a grandson. Have you met his grandson William? William Bandy is one of the finest members we have at the Church of The Third Revelation. He's eager to come to Hollywood to be in movies. He is very good-looking. And I do think he will have success.

Manny: Uhh... what should I do now?
Hank: Um... OK, maybe you talk to her.
Manny: Well, what do I talk about?
Hank: Just... whatever comes naturally.
Manny: Hello. I don't know why, but I have this sudden urge to put my mouth on your mouth?
Hank: OK, that's called kissing, but you can't do that yet. That's too fast.
Manny: Oh... Uh, how 'bout if I put my penis in you?
Hank: That's even worse.
Manny: Oh, so sorry. What about if just did the tip, like, just the very beginning...
Hank: OK, Manny, is not about sex!

Hank: Let me... eat you.

Manny: [getting a boner] Oh, God, I'm disgusting.
Hank: No-no. No-no-no. You're not disgusting.
Manny: No, my body is disgusting. It's horrible!

Hank: Let' have a party.
Manny: Yeah, let's invite everyone we know.

Hank: Hey, I didn't mean that. Hey, you talk however you want. You can mumble, look at your feet all day long, okay, buddy?
Manny: [suddenly Manny speaks] Okay, buddy.

Daniel: [Paul Sunday has offered to sell Plainview information] Why'd you come to me?
Paul: You just brought this well in?
Daniel: That's right.
Paul: Yes, so just give me five hundred dollars in cash, right now, and I'll tell you where it is.
Daniel: I'll tell you what I'll do, son. I'll give you a hundred dollars now and, if it proves to be a promising lease, then give a thousand dollar bonus...
Paul: Six hundred dollars.
Daniel: Just tell me one thing to help me decide. What else have you got up there. What do you grow?
Paul: We have a big ranch, but it's mostly rocks. We can plant things; nothing will grow but weeds. What makes you think it's up?
Fletcher: Is there sulfur around, or alkali deposits?
Paul: Alkali, nearby. I don't know sulfur.
[notices H.W]
Paul: Is that your son?
Daniel: Yes.
Paul: [to H.W] Hi.
H.W. Plainview: Hi.
Paul: [to Fletcher] Who are you?
Fletcher: I'm Fletcher Hamilton. Nice to meet you, son. What's your name?
Paul: What do you do?
Fletcher: I work with Mr. Plainview.
Daniel: Here's five hundred dollars. You tell me something worth hearing, this money's yours.
Paul: I come from a town called Little Boston, in Isabella County.

Hank: You're like the multipurpose tool guy. You're special.
Manny: I'm special.
Hank: Yeah, and that's why I need you to help me get home.

Hank: Manny, if you don't know Jurassic Park, you don't know shit.

Osip: I understand you've made a great effort to change your life. That's very commendable. How do you feel about yourself?
Pierre: Well, I can look at myself without disgust now. But... I'm still not happy. You know, not at all. I sleep badly, I wake with fearful thoughts. What's the matter with me?
Osip: Perhaps you are changing your world and forgetting to change yourself. Do you try to forgive those who have wounded you?

Daniel: What would you like, Eli?
Eli: Ten thousand dollars.
Daniel: For what?
Eli: For my church.
Daniel: That's good. That's a good one.

Pierre: Surely it is wrong that one man should own so much.
Prince: The saying is, that we don't own our earthly possessions we merely curate for our heirs, for the generations to come. Looked at that way it's an honour and a duty.

April: Is your name really Clitz?
Klitz: Yeah, with a K.

The: What's black and blue and dead all over? You.

Manny: Sarah, do you ever masturbate?
Hank: What?
Manny: I have this friend called Hank, and he won't masturbate 'cause it makes him think about his mom.
Hank: Manny. That... that was between us.

Eli: Okay, you know what the three of us are? We're a tripod.
Klitz: A tripod?
Eli: Yes, a tripod. Which means that if you knock out one of our legs, WE-ALL-FALL!

Manny: Remember when you put that cork in my butt?
Hank: [sighs] Yeah.
Manny: Did that count as sex?
Hank: Manny, no.

Hank: I'm scared of whatever took that poop.
Manny: But why, though?
Hank: Because only huge, scary things take poops that big.
Manny: So what? Everything poops.
Hank: Yes, but if it finds us, it will eat us and push us out its butt and turn us into poop.

Pierre: But what about yourself? You have so much to give. Marry again. Why not?
Andrei: And make some other poor girl unhappy? I'm surprised to hear you recommend marriage, Pierre. We neither of us distinguished ourselves there, did we?

Helene: You've made an exhibition of yourself. And of me. Someone told you that Dolokhov was my lover, and you believed them. Now you've made us the talk of all Moscow.
Pierre: Are you asking me to believe that you're innocent?
Helene: Of course, I'm innocent! Though, no one would blame me if I had taken a lover. It's not much fun being married to a drunken oaf like you, you know. Most people think you're half out of your wits.

Helene: What are you looking at?
Pierre: My lovely wife! You are an inexhaustible treasure, full of wonderful, wonderful secrets and delights. The more I discover, the more it seems is left to be discovered. More secrets... More delights. Does that make sense?
Helene: Actually... I don't think I am inexhaustible. One can get a bit tired of having one's secrets and delights discovered all the time, over and over.

Hank: You're a miracle or... or I'm just hallucinating from starvation.

Hank: Every day, you ride the bus and count the minutes, hoping you'll see her again.
Manny: Oh, my God.
Hank: She smiles, and you feel a strange tingle up the back of your neck. Something carnal inside of you causes your body to break out in sweats. You feel like the luckiest man in the world. She sits alone, just like every other day, and looks out the window lost in her thoughts. You know that look. She's just as alone as you are, but she doesn't have to be. You could talk to her. Tell her you'd love to sit next to her today and every other day, because life is short, and no one deserves to ride the bus alone.

Prince: Pierre, Helene... Congratulations!
Pierre: For what?
Helene: Take your glasses off.
Pierre: What's happened?
Helene: We're engaged.

Hank: We sang, and we danced...
Sarah: Oh, my God.
Hank: ...and it was beautiful.

The: You know, I was there that day. The day the great Thomas Wayne announced he was running for mayor, made all those promises. Well, a week later he was dead, and everybody just forgot about us. All they could talk about was poor Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne, the orphan. Orphan. Living in some tower over the park isn't being an orphan. Looking down on everyone, with all that money. Don't you tell me. Do you know what being an orphan is? It's 30 kids to a room. 12 years old and already a drophead, numbing the pain. You wake up screaming with rats chewing your fingers. And every winter, one of the babies die because it's so cold. But, oh, no. Let's talk about the billionaire with the lying, dead daddy, because at least the money makes it go down easy.

Matthew: Do you have the fever?
Klitz: No. Why? Do you?
Matthew: I don't know. Maybe.
[turns to Eli]
Matthew: 'Bout you?
Eli: I just gotta fuck something.

The: You came.
Batman: Who are you?
The: Me? Nobody. I'm just an instrument, here to unmask the truth about this cesspool we call a city.
Batman: Unmask?
The: Yes! Let's do this together okay? You're part of this too.
Batman: How am I a part of this?
The: You'll see.

Hank: Back in civilization, there's seven billion other living people on the planet just running around and blinking and breathing and eating, and you used to be one of them. You were probably just looking for happiness. That's what everyone does.
Hank: [turning up the corners of Manny's mouth] This is what you look like when you're happy.
Manny: Happy.
Hank: You look for someone who will make you happy - a friend, a girlfriend or a dog.
[arf arf]
Hank: Good boy.
Manny: Good boy.
Hank: Sometimes you might be lucky enough to bump into the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with - and that is love.

[last lines]
Pierre: They say sufferings are our misfortunes. But if I was asked if I'd stay as I was before I was taken prisoner or go through it all again, I'd say for god's sake let me be a prisoner again. When our lives are knocked off course we imagine everything in them is lost. It is only the start of something new and good. As long as there is life there is happiness. There is a great deal, a great deal still to come.

Eli: Things go up, things go down, but at least the Lord is always around.

Paul: Mr. Plainview?
Daniel: Yes?
Paul: Are you Daniel Plainview?
Daniel: Yes. What can I do for you?
Paul: You look for oil.
Daniel: That's right.
Paul: What do you pay for a place that has it?
Daniel: Well, that depends.
Paul: What does it depend on?
Daniel: On a lot of things.
Paul: If I told you I knew a place that had oil, where land could be bought cheaply, what do you think that would be worth?
Daniel: Oh, I think that, uh... you should let me know what you know, and, uh, and then we'll try and work something out.
Paul: Can I sit down?
Daniel: Please.
Paul: [Paul sits] What church do you belong to?
Daniel: I, um... I enjoy all faiths. I don't belong to one church in particular. I... I like them all. I like everything. Where are you from?
Paul: That would be telling you. That's what I want to sell you.
Daniel: What are you doing in Signal Hill?
Paul: We have oil and it seeps through the ground. Do you want to pay me to know where it is...
Daniel: Well, just because there's something on the ground doesn't mean there's anything beneath it.
Paul: Why did Standard Oil buy up land?
Daniel: Is it in California?
Paul: Maybe.
Daniel: How much land they buy?
Paul: I'd like it better if you didn't think I was stupid.

Pierre: I've been thinking we should... We should have a child, Helene.
Helene: Oh, Pierre. Don't be silly. You know I'm not the motherly type. We get along all right, don't we? Don't spoil things. I'm not jealous. You can have other women, as many as you like. Have children with them, like your father. Why not?

Hank: Well, you can't just say everything that comes into your head. That's bad talking.

Eli: Do you understand?
Daniel: Do you understand, Eli? That's more to the point. Do you understand? I drink your water. I drink it up every day. I drink the blood of Lamb.

Eli: You are a stupid man, Abel. You've let someone come in here and walk all over us. You let him in and do his work here, and you are a stupid man for what we could have had.
Abel: I followed His word, Eli. I tried.
Eli: You didn't do anything but sit down. You're lazy and you're stupid. Do you think God is going to save you for being stupid? He doesn't save stupid people, Abel.
[Eli clambers across the table and slams Abel to the ground]
Eli: I will tear you apart for what you've done, you stupid man! How did he come here? Do you even know? I know!
Abel: Son, don't do this, please!
Eli: Be quiet!
Abel: Please! Don't!
Eli: Shut your mouth, Abel! It was your stupid son! It was Paul who told him to come here. I know it. He went to him, and he said "My stupid, weak father will give away his lots. Go and take him." - and you let it happen.
[lets go of Abel]
Eli: From a stupid father to a stupid son.