The Best Klitz Quotes

Eli: Matt, time to go, time to go!
Matthew: What happened?
Klitz: It got bad. Bolt! Bolt!
Klitz: [running away] Dude, wait up!
Eli: [running in front of Klitz] Fuck you, dude!

Eli: Okay, you know what the three of us are? We're a tripod.
Klitz: A tripod?
Eli: Yes, a tripod. Which means that if you knock out one of our legs, WE-ALL-FALL!

Matthew: Do you have the fever?
Klitz: No. Why? Do you?
Matthew: I don't know. Maybe.
[turns to Eli]
Matthew: 'Bout you?
Eli: I just gotta fuck something.

Eli: Dude!
Matthew: I know.
Klitz: Dude!
Matthew: I know.

April: Is your name really Clitz?
Klitz: Yeah, with a K.