Top 30 Quotes From Emile Hirsch

Matthew: I just wanna let you know, I know who you really are, and you're better than this.

Speed: [to Trixie, about Rex] I finally understand it now, Trix. I know why he left us. He was trying to change this rotten business and they killed him for it.

Eli: Matt, time to go, time to go!
Matthew: What happened?
Klitz: It got bad. Bolt! Bolt!
Klitz: [running away] Dude, wait up!
Eli: [running in front of Klitz] Fuck you, dude!

Speed: I'll see you at Fuji.
Mr. Royalton: Yes, and you'll find out you just made the biggest mistake of your life.

Eli: Dude, don't mess this up.
Matthew: Mess what up?
Eli: Matt, she's a porn star! Okay? Take her to a motel room and bang her like a beast!
Matthew: Eli, I like this girl.
Eli: And you can still like her with your penis inside her. Matthew, I tell you that you're going to regret this. What would JFK do? You know he'd tap that ass.
Matthew: Eli, I'm never going to see her again.
Eli: Oh, you know what? Fine!
Matthew: Fine!
Eli: Fine!
[pause during scene change]
Eli: Goddammit Matt! I swear to God if you don't fuck her, I'll kill myself! Matt! Please! Please, Matt! Fuck her for me! For me!

Matthew: Okay.
Kelly: Okay what?
Matthew: [dares Kelly] Show 'em the tape.
Kelly: I'm not fuckin' around.
Matthew: I just don't care anymore.
Kelly: This... is gonna be interesting.

Matthew: Why didn't you just tell me?
Danielle: Because I didn't want to, okay? Because I loved the way you looked at me. God, do you have any idea how hard...
[walks away]
Matthew: Hold on!
Danielle: [shouts] Fuck you.

Speed: [to Royalton] Racing's in our blood. Like for Pops, it isn't just a sport. It's way more important than that. It's like a religion. And in our house, the major sponsors are kind of like the devil. I don't mean to offend you, sir, and I do appreciate your offer, but after all we've been through, I don't think this kind of deal is for me.

Rick: My buddy and his dog killed two of them and, no shit, I torched the last one.
Jay: Torched?
Rick: Yeah, I burnt her ass to a crisp.

Matthew: I'm in so much trouble.

Jay: Is everybody okay?
Rick: Well... the fuckin' hippies aren't. That's for goddamn sure.

Karate: Oooh, excellent, grasshopper. And now, for the final task of your training.
Danielle: You're gonna need a harder piece of wood that that, cowboy.
Matthew: That's not her.
Eli: Yeah, it is.
Matthew: Oh, no.
Eli: Oh, yeah.

Speed: Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy!

Mom: Do you remember the day that you rolled the car? How upset I was?
Speed: [laughing a little] I remember. Rex said the only reason we survived was because I was wearing those red socks.

Mr. Royalton: So. I can see you've been giving some serious thought to this thing.
Speed: [pause] I have. Yes, sir.
Mr. Royalton: Good. That means you understand we're talking about not just your future, but your family's future.
Speed: My family means a lot to me.
Mr. Royalton: I know. I can tell. That's why this is so important, because you can help them. All you have to say is yes. That's all I need to hear. And I can make so many things happen, for you *and* your family.
Mr. Royalton: You ready for that? You ready to say yes, Speed?

Matthew: Moral fiber. So, what is moral fiber? It's funny, I used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds, basically
Matthew: being a fucking boy scout. But lately I've been seeing it differently. Now I think moral fiber's about finding that one thing you really care about. That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. And when you find her, you fight for her. You risk it all, you put her in front of everything, your life, all of it. And maybe the stuff you do to help her isn't so clean. You know what? It doesn't matter. Because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. That's what moral fiber's all about.

Speed: [shouting at Pops] Don't take it out on me because you feel guilty about what happened to Rex!

[repeated line]
Matthew: It's not funny.
Danielle: It's a little funny.

Speed: Sounds beefy, Pops.

Speed: [to Mom Racer] Maybe Royalton is right. Maybe racing really is all about the business, and anyone who doesn't understand that is just a chump.

Matthew: Hey, there's the big daddy!
Dr. Salinger: Matthew, what has been going on?
Matthew: Some serious shit.

Matthew: Do you have the fever?
Klitz: No. Why? Do you?
Matthew: I don't know. Maybe.
[turns to Eli]
Matthew: 'Bout you?
Eli: I just gotta fuck something.

Speed: It's going to be okay.
Mom: You wouldn't lie to your mother, would you?
Speed: Never again.

Danielle: Ooh, boxers.
Matthew: I always wear boxers. You just caught me on a weird day.

Speed: I thought we made a good team today. It felt like we've been doing it for a long time.
Racer: If you say so.

Speed: Racing hasn't changed, and it never will.
Racer: It doesn't matter if racing never changes. What matters is if we let racing change us. Every one of us has to find a reason to do this. You don't climb into a T-180 to be a driver. You do it because you're driven.

Matthew: [high] Heyyy, it's my competition! Ryan, what's up my man?
Ryan: Jesus, what happened to you?
Matthew: Just living life, my man.

Matthew: I just feel so weird...
Danielle: Shh. Relax. Ecstasy is not that bad.
Matthew: What?
Danielle: Kelly likes dosing people with E.
Matthew: Oh, my God. Am I gonna die?

Speed: Get that weak shit off my track!

Trixie: Since when did winning become so important?
Speed: It is important. You gotta win if you want to keep driving, and that's what I want to do. It's the only thing I really know how to do.
Trixie: That's not true.
Speed: Come on, I wouldn't have made it out of high school without your help.
Trixie: Okay, that's true.