20 Best Speed Quotes

Speed: Get that weak shit off my track!

Speed: Sounds beefy, Pops.

Pops: This is abso...
Speed: ...lutely crazy!

Speed: It's going to be okay.
Mom: You wouldn't lie to your mother, would you?
Speed: Never again.

Ben: [to Speed, in the Fuji locker room] Hey, kid.
Speed: Ben Burns?...
Ben: Nice race. I ain't seen moves like that in a long time.
Speed: [pause] Didn't matter. I still lost.
Ben: Yeah. Tough break.
Ben: Well. Good luck.
[turns to leave]
Speed: [pause] Mr. Burns, can I ask you something?
Ben: Sure, kid.
Speed: The '43 Prix. Did you know you were gonna win?
Ben: [pause] Y'know, everybody thought that me and Stickleton hated each other. Funny, ain't it?

Trixie: Since when did winning become so important?
Speed: It is important. You gotta win if you want to keep driving, and that's what I want to do. It's the only thing I really know how to do.
Trixie: That's not true.
Speed: Come on, I wouldn't have made it out of high school without your help.
Trixie: Okay, that's true.

Mom: Do you remember the day that you rolled the car? How upset I was?
Speed: [laughing a little] I remember. Rex said the only reason we survived was because I was wearing those red socks.

Speed: [to Royalton] Racing's in our blood. Like for Pops, it isn't just a sport. It's way more important than that. It's like a religion. And in our house, the major sponsors are kind of like the devil. I don't mean to offend you, sir, and I do appreciate your offer, but after all we've been through, I don't think this kind of deal is for me.

Pops: I couldn't have been more proud of you, son. Not because you won, but because you stood up, you weren't afraid, and you did what you thought was right.
Speed: It didn't amount to anything. It was completely meaningless.
Pops: How could it be meaningless? I saw my son become a man. I watched a man with courage and integrity drive the pants off of every other driver on that road. This is not meaningless. This is the reason for a father's life.

Speed: [finding him hiding in his truck] Spritle!
Trixie: You little sneak!
Spritle: It wasn't my idea!
Speed: Oh no?
Spritle: [pointing to his chimp, who points back] It was his.

Speed: [shouting at Pops] Don't take it out on me because you feel guilty about what happened to Rex!

Speed: [to Trixie, about Rex] I finally understand it now, Trix. I know why he left us. He was trying to change this rotten business and they killed him for it.

Speed: [to Mom Racer] Maybe Royalton is right. Maybe racing really is all about the business, and anyone who doesn't understand that is just a chump.

Pops: You think you can drive a car and change the world? It doesn't work like that!
Speed: Maybe not, but it's the only thing I know how to do and I gotta do something.

Speed: I thought we made a good team today. It felt like we've been doing it for a long time.
Racer: If you say so.

Mr. Royalton: So. I can see you've been giving some serious thought to this thing.
Speed: [pause] I have. Yes, sir.
Mr. Royalton: Good. That means you understand we're talking about not just your future, but your family's future.
Speed: My family means a lot to me.
Mr. Royalton: I know. I can tell. That's why this is so important, because you can help them. All you have to say is yes. That's all I need to hear. And I can make so many things happen, for you *and* your family.
Mr. Royalton: You ready for that? You ready to say yes, Speed?

Mr. Royalton: I hope I didn't scare you, Speed, by showing you how hard we push our team. I just want you to see how serious we are about winning.
Speed: [long pause] I get that.

Speed: [At Cannonball Taylor] Ok, Mr. two-time-Grand-Prix five-time-WRL future-Hall-of-Fame, teach me something!

Speed: Haven't any of these drivers read the rule book?

Speed: Racing hasn't changed, and it never will.
Racer: It doesn't matter if racing never changes. What matters is if we let racing change us. Every one of us has to find a reason to do this. You don't climb into a T-180 to be a driver. You do it because you're driven.