The Best Pops Quotes

Pops: You want a real kick? You go Bernoulli.

Pops: That show's in German.
Spritle: Not the monkey parts.

Trixie: Oh my god, was that a ninja?
Pops: More like a NON-ja. Terrible what passes for a ninja these days.

Pops: I couldn't have been more proud of you, son. Not because you won, but because you stood up, you weren't afraid, and you did what you thought was right.
Speed: It didn't amount to anything. It was completely meaningless.
Pops: How could it be meaningless? I saw my son become a man. I watched a man with courage and integrity drive the pants off of every other driver on that road. This is not meaningless. This is the reason for a father's life.

Pops: [to Speed] I admit, I went to Cortega because I was afraid that what happened to Rex was gonna happen to you, and I just couldn't take that. But what I realized at Cortega... was I didn't lose Rex when he crashed. I lost him here. I let him think that a stupid motor company meant more to me than he did. You'll never know how much I regret that mistake. It's enough I'll never make it again. Speed, I understand that every child has to leave home. But I want you to know, that door is always open. You can always come back. 'Cause I love you.

Pops: This is abso...
Speed: ...lutely crazy!

Pops: [to Spritle] Get some exercise. You're too pale!

Pops: [to Speed] God, you sound like Rex! You wanna die like him, too? Will that make you happy?

Pops: You think you can drive a car and change the world? It doesn't work like that!
Speed: Maybe not, but it's the only thing I know how to do and I gotta do something.