The Best Paulie Litt Quotes

Speed: [finding him hiding in his truck] Spritle!
Trixie: You little sneak!
Spritle: It wasn't my idea!
Speed: Oh no?
Spritle: [pointing to his chimp, who points back] It was his.

Pops: That show's in German.
Spritle: Not the monkey parts.

Spritle: Go, Speed, Go!

Spritle: [sees Racer X and Inspector Detector at the front door] It's Racer X, The Harbinger of Boom!

Mom: [catching Spritle playing with his chimp in the living room] Hey, what are you two doing?
Spritle: Nothing.
Mom: Was that the same nothing that broke my last couch?
Spritle: No, that was a totally different nothing.