The Best Selina Kyle Quotes

Batman: Selena, don't throw your life away.
Catwoman: Don't worry, honey. I got nine of 'em.

Batman: Cat burglar pulling another score?
Selina: What?
Batman: Wasn't sure I'd see you again.
Selina: Yeah, well, things were getting a little hot for me, so... how could they do that to her? That piece of shit cop, Kenzie. Her body was in his car. I'm gonna find him and I'm gonna make him pay. You gonna help me?
Batman: Help you?
Selina: Yeah. I thought you were "Vengeance."
Batman: Your friend got involved with the wrong people. She didn't know any better. Maybe you should have explained it to her.
Selina: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Batman: It means your choices have consequences.

Batman: Was it worth it?
Selina: What?
Batman: Compromising yourself for money. What'd you have to do to set up that score? How close did you have to get to Penguin? To Falcone?
Selina: You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Falcone owes me that money.
Batman: He owes you?
Selina: Yeah, and a lot more.
Batman: Oh, really? Why's that?
Selina: You know what? I can't even talk to you.
Batman: [stopping her from leaving] No! I want to know why a guy like Falcone would owe you anything.
Selina: Because he's my father! My mother worked at the 44 Below. Just like Anni. She used to take me there when I was a little girl.
Batman: To the club?
Selina: Yeah. I hid out in the dressing room while she worked. Used to see him there. He scared the shit out of me. And I could never understand why he looked at me the way he did. Then one night, my mother told me who he was. When I was seven, my mother was murdered. Strangled. Never found out who. Probably some creep from the club. Anyway, social services came to take me away, and he didn't say a thing. Couldn't even look at me. He owes me that money.
Batman: I'm sorry. For what I said.
Selina: Ah, it's all right. You assume the worst in people. Which, well... maybe we're not so different after all.

Travis: He doesn't know shit, man.
[Gil] What are you talking about?
- Yeah, he does! What about that rat...
[Richie] Hey, hey, Gil, come on.
- Think maybe you had a little too much.
- Hey. The rat.
[Richie] Slow down.
- Ask him about the rat.
Selina: Hey, what's this about a rat?

Catwoman: What, do you live in a cave?

Batman: [to Catwoman] You got a lot of cats.
Catwoman: [to Batman] I have a thing about strays.