The Best Dominic Kearney Quotes

Pádraic: What the hell was he hittin' you with?
Dominic: A kettle was the final thing. I wouldn't minded, but for the spout.

Dominic: I used to think you were the nicest of them. Turns out you're just the same as them.
Pádraic: I am the nicest of them.

Dominic: Look at this I found. A stick with a hook. What would you use it for, I wonder. To hook things that are the length of a stick away?

Dominic: What trouble are ya in with him?
Pádraic: He just... doesn't want to be friends with me any more.
Dominic: What is he, twelve?

Dominic: Howdo!
Siobhan: Jesus Christ, Dominic! Would you ever stop creeping up on people? You almost gave me a fecking heart attack!
Dominic: I wasn't creeping up on ya. I was sliding up on ya.
Siobhan: Between you and that ghoul, Jesus!
Dominic: I always call her a ghoul, too, because she is a ghoul. Jeez, we have a lot in common, don't we? Me and you. Calling old people ghouls and that. It's a great old lake, isn't it? I'm glad I caught you, actually. Because there was somethin' I was wantin' to ask ya, actually. And discovering how much we have in common... well, it just makes me want to ask you even more.
Siobhan: We don't have anything in common.
Dominic: Don't skip ahead. But yeah, what I was wantin' to ask you was... Somethin' along the lines of... Should've planned this, really. Well, yeah, what I was wantin' to ask you was... You probably wouldn't ever want to, I don't know... to fall in love with a boy like me, would ya?
Siobhan: Dominic, I don't think so, love.
Dominic: No, yeah, no. I was thinking no. Not even in the future, like? Like when I'm your age?
[she nods negatively]
Dominic: Yeah, no, I didn't think so. Just thought I'd ask on the off chance, you know... like "faint heart" and that. Well, there goes that dream. Well... I best go over there and do whatever that thing over there I was gonna do was.

Dominic: Me, I pay no attention to wars. I'm again' 'em. Wars and soap.

Dominic: Shh. Daddy'll kill us if we wake him when he's been wanking.

Dominic: Was you never wild?
Siobhan: Wild? Was I never wild? I don't know what you're talking about, Dominic. Wild how? Angry?
Dominic: Not angry. Wild
Siobhan: You just keep saying wild, Dominic!

Dominic: If we sat next to Colm, the women would have to talk to us too, and then we could get at them with our small talk.

Pádraic: I don't like to be chatting about these types of things, Dominic!
Dominic: What types of things?
Pádraic: Sisters with no clothes on!
Dominic: You saw my daddy with no clothes on.
Pádraic: Till the day I die, I wish I hadn't.
Dominic: Sure, don't I know it.

Pádraic: So you'd rather be friends with this fella, would ya? A fella who beats his own son black and blue every night that's he's not fiddling with him.
Dominic: I never told him that, daddy. He's just drunk now.