The Best Don Gordon Quotes

Salvadore: [grabs Leah] Listen, I ain't always gonna have dirt on my hands, and I don't need no books to show me which way is up. I got the map, and I'll get there.

Frank: [reading the newspaper about Art Malcolm's murder] You did very well last night, Mannix.
Joe: Did I?
Frank: Mm. I have a simpler job for you today.
Joe: I'm not using a gun again.
Frank: No, no, no guns.
Joe: What's the job?
Frank: Well, you're going to meet a man and arrange a purchase for me.
Joe: Why me?
Frank: Well, there are several reasons. First: you cannot be connected with me in any way. Two: you are now not only a fugitive, but a murderer. And three: I have your gun, which even an amateur ballistics man could match with the bullet that killed Lieutenant Malcolm. So you see, you are the perfect go-between.
Joe: Hm. Who do I meet?
Frank: His name is, um... Mr. Green.
[shows Joe a slip of paper]
Frank: That's the address. And you'll, uh...
[pulls out a pair of car keys]
Frank: ... use the blue sedan out in front. You will tell Mr. Green... the offer is three million.
Joe: Three million? That sounds like pure H. There's no way that much stuff could be brought in these days. Not after that bust. There's just too much security.
Frank: [chuckles] You know, you're right. It's not being brought in, it's already here. Now you can leave.
Joe: What do I get out of all this?
Frank: [slides Joe the address card] What you need... wherever you need it.

Old: [lying in the next hospital bed] You do something to your hand?
Salvadore: No. I came here for a good night's sleep. The Waldorf was gettin' on my nerves.
Old: I bet it hurts.
Salvadore: Yeah, it hurts.
Old: You're still lucky, though.
Salvadore: My luck wins prizes.
Old: [coughing] No, I mean, I've got this awful congestion in my chest.
Salvadore: Are you gripin' about a cold?
Old: At your age, it might just be a cold. But at mine, it could easily turn into pneumonia. You know, young man, you could break both legs and an elbow, and you'd still be swimming inside of a month.
Salvadore: Yeah? Well, if you think this is so great, well, let's swap. You take my busted hand, and I'll take your lousy cold.
Old: [laughs and then begins to cough again] It's a deal.

[after much patient pressure, the desk clerk has finally offered up some details]
Desk: Am I helping you, sir?
Delgetti: I never had it so good.

Dancer: Hey! I'm the guy with the gun. Will somebody pay attention to me?

Salvadore: Well, are you happy now that you've convinced her that she's too much for a *bum* like Salvadore Ross, hmm?
Mr. Maitland: I admit I wouldn't choose you for my daughter, but it's not my decision, it's hers. Besides, I may be wrong about you. She obviously sees you differently than I do.
Leah: No, I don't.
[turns to Sal]
Leah: Not anymore.
[Leah goes in with her father and closes the door]
Salvadore: Why can't I want something in my life and get it?
[punches the door]
Salvadore: Just once.

Salvadore: How much would you give to be 26 years old again? How much?
[Halpert just looks at him]
Salvadore: Well, come on, how much? Um - a million bucks?
Mr. Halpert: [a little amused] All right, let's say a million dollars.
Salvadore: And what about this pad - you own it?
Mr. Halpert: Yes, I own it.
Salvadore: Do you throw that in as part of the deal?
Mr. Halpert: How do you propose to deliver these years you rave about?
Salvadore: I'm gonna sell you *my* years.
Mr. Halpert: [laughs out loud] All right, I'll tell you what you do. You wrap the years up and mail them to me, huh?
[shows Sal to the door]
Salvadore: But, now, wait a minute, how about the pad? Is that gonna be part of the deal?
Mr. Halpert: Yes, I'll make it part of the deal. I wouldn't think of taking your years for anything less than they're worth.
Salvadore: [excited] Oh man, a million bucks and this pad. You just bought yourself 46 years, Mr. Halpert.
Mr. Halpert: I'm sure I did, boy.
Salvadore: No, you're not sure. But you got a big surprise in store.
Mr. Halpert: [laughing out loud] Go on, get out of here.
[pushes him out the door]

Leah: We can't keep seeing each other. I should never have let it gotten started in the first place.
Salvadore: Sure. As long as you're the saintly social worker and I'm one of the crumbs, everything's all right. But as soon as we get too close, why then, you notice I got dirt on my hands.
Leah: That has nothing to do with it!
Salvadore: And that I don't talk like your old man.
Leah: Sal, we're just two people who are never going to understand each other.
Salvadore: Baby, with your education, you can come up with a better "Dear John" than that.

Andy: [encountering Pop on the street] Hey, old man.
Pop: You got such a debt, Andy. You owe for so many years. You owe for so many things. And now, you pay off, son.
[pulls up a revolver]
Andy: Hey! Now, wait a minute! Now, wait a minute. You - you got the wrong guy. I swear to you, you got the wrong guy!
Pop: [icily] I got the right guy.
Andy: Now, please. Please wait. Put... put the gun down now. I'll show you. I'll show you, honest! But I got to think! I got to concentrate! Just put the gun down. You'll see. I GOT TO CONCENTRATE!
[Pop fires his gun on him]

Ryan: You know, I've been thinking, Lieutenant.
Kinderman: This is new.

[O'Hallaran is getting his air tank changed]
Chief: Why do they make these goddamned things so heavy?
Kappy: You want it easier, Chief?
Chief: I don't know why they couldn't design a survival suit for us like they did for football players.
Kappy: Who pays to see us play?

[Bullitt and Delgetti have searched the luggage of Dorothy Simmons and her boyfriend]
Delgetti: No passports, no tickets.
Bullitt: Call Immigration in Chicago, have them wire Renick's passport application. I'll get a fingerprint check on Ross.

Mr. Halpert: Well, where is it?
Salvadore: What?
Mr. Halpert: This wonderful item that I'm supposed to purchase.
Salvadore: Well, you're lookin' at it.
Mr. Halpert: I'm looking at it?
Salvadore: Yeah, it's youth. That's what I want to sell you.
Mr. Halpert: Youth that comes in bot...?
[pushing him out]
Mr. Halpert: Come on, get out of here.
Salvadore: No. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Look, I read in the paper that you're 72 years old, right? I'm 26. Now, what would you give to be 26 years old again, hmm?
Mr. Halpert: I think you're the kookiest kid they ever turned loose on the streets.

Salvadore: It's all changed. I'm asking you for forgiveness. For compassion.
Mr. Maitland: Compassion? Don't you remember? I sold it to you yesterday.
[pulls out a gun and shoots Ross dead]

Andy: How do I know you?
Pop: How do you know me? A son should know his father. What kind of game are you playing, Andy?
Andy: I'm your son?
Pop: You were. You were before you ran out. You were before you broke your mother's heart. Before you did dirt to a sweet decent little girl who would've cut off an arm for you. But now you ain't my son. Now you ain't nothin' to me. You're nothin'. I hate your guts. Do you hear me? I hate your guts.

Mr. Maitland: I've thought a lot about it. Though, I realize that you are what you are and it's not my place to judge you...
Salvadore: Oh look, I don't care what you think about me.
Mr. Maitland: Please, please.
Mr. Maitland: I cannot let you ruin her life by marrying her.