30 Best Don 'Wardaddy' Collier Quotes

[an anti-tank round glances off Peterson's Sherman]
Sergeant: [over radio] Just a ricochet. We're okay.
Wardaddy: Bullshit! That's a Kraut high velocity gun. I can hear it whistling!

Wardaddy: I'm sorry, Boyd. I did my best.

Wardaddy: We ain't never run before. Why we gonna run now?

Wardaddy: Boyd, you think Jesus loves Hitler?
Boyd: Do I think Jesus loves Hitler? I'd assume so. If Hitler accepted Jesus into his heart and got baptized, he'd be saved. Ain't gonna save him from Man's justice.

Wardaddy: War's not going anywhere, Sir.

Wardaddy: We're still in this fight! WE'RE STILL IN THIS FIGHT!

Irma: Where are you going?
Wardaddy: To take the next town. And the next one. Until you people quit.

Trini: Vamonos, cabron, vamonos.
Wardaddy: Hey, you want to talk Mexican? Join another tank, a Mexican tank. This is an American tank, we talk American.

Wardaddy: [Referring to Fury] It's my home.

Lieutenant: Sergeant? Sergeant? Where's the rest of 3rd Platoon?
Wardaddy: We're it.

Wardaddy: Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.

Wardaddy: Best job I ever had.

Wardaddy: I see it, it's a goddamn Tiger! Blow some fuckin' smoke in its face!

Boyd: Here's a Bible verse I think about sometimes. Manytimes. It goes: And I heard the voice of Lord saying: Whom shall I send and who will go for Us? And... I said: Here am I , send me!
Norman Ellison: [Mumbling] Send me.
Wardaddy: Book of Isaiah, Chapter six.

Wardaddy: Norman, open this goddamn hatch, you cocksucker!

Wardaddy: Norman, you cocksucker! Why didn't you take the shot?
Norman Ellison: Because he was just a kid. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, Sergeant.
Wardaddy: [Grabs him by the helmet] You see what a kid can do? Look!
[looks at Lt. Parker's deceased corpse]
Wardaddy: That's *your* fault, That's your fuckin' fault. Next German you see with a weapon you rake the dog shit outta em'. I don't care if it's a baby with a butter knife in one hand and momma's titty in the other, you chop him up!
Norman Ellison: Yes, Sergeant!
[Wardaddy smacks him in the head]
Wardaddy: All tanks, this is Wardaddy, looks like I'm it. I'll lead the way.

Wardaddy: I'll question him. What's your favorite color? You like chicken or beef? You a good dancer? You like fat girls?

Norman Ellison: You're wounded.
Wardaddy: Sure am.
Norman Ellison: Sergeant Collier?
Wardaddy: My name's Don.
Norman Ellison: Sorry. Don?
Wardaddy: Yeah kid?
Norman Ellison: I'm scared.
Wardaddy: I'm scared too, son.

Grady: Keep ridin' me.
Wardaddy: I'm not riding you. If I was, you'd know it.

Norman Ellison: First Sergeant Collier?
Wardaddy: [turns to face Norman] Maybe. What the fuck are you?
Norman Ellison: Private Ellison. I was told to report to you. I'm your new assistant driver.
Wardaddy: [takes a long look at Norman] No, you are not.
Norman Ellison: Yes, yes, I am...
Wardaddy: Goddammit! Who told you this?
Norman Ellison: [pointing] Master Sergeant with the clipboard...
Wardaddy: Bullshit!
Norman Ellison: [pointing] Right there, he...
Wardaddy: What's your name?
Norman Ellison: Norman.
Wardaddy: [pause] How long you been in the Army?
Norman Ellison: [breathes out] Eight weeks.
Wardaddy: [points to Fury] That's home. Do as you're told. Don't get too close to anyone.

Norman Ellison: Sergeant Collier? I think I want to surrender.
Wardaddy: Please don't. They'll hurt you real bad. And kill you real bad.

Wardaddy: Shut up and send me more pigs to kill!

Wardaddy: I know what I did. He's an SS. They're real assholes. I kill every SS I can. You'd seen what I seen you would too.

Wardaddy: [Wardaddy throws Norman a gun] Boys, take him through that gun.
Grady: Alright.
[Wardaddy turns and leaves]
Norman Ellison: What... what do I do with this?
[Travis smacks him across the head]
Grady: Sit up. See that cover?
Norman Ellison: Yeah.
Grady: Open it.
[Norman opens the cover]
Grady: Now you killin. Close it up.
[Norman closes the cover]
Grady: Now you ain't.
[Travis chuckles]

Wardaddy: I started this war killing Germans in Africa. Then France. Then Belgium. Now I'm killing Germans in Germany. It will end, soon. But before it does, a lot more people gotta die.

Wardaddy: If a man loves the world, the love of the Father ain't in him. For all in the eyes, the pride of life, is not of the Father. But of the world.
Boyd: The world and its desires pass away. But he who does God's will lives forever.

Grady: Damn son, you're a fighting, fucking, drinking machine!
Wardaddy: Machine. That's it. That's your war name. I christen thee "Machine."
Boyd: Machine!

Wardaddy: You think it can't get worse? It can. And it will.

Wardaddy: I won't ask you to do anything I haven't done myself.

Wardaddy: [Norman has just killed his first enemy soldiers] Norman. It wasn't nothin,' right?
Norman Ellison: Come again, Sergeant?
Wardaddy: Rubbin' out those Heinies. Splashed 'em real good. Wasn't nothin,' right?
Norman Ellison: [With an odd look in his eyes] Sure, Sergeant. Yeah, it wasn't nothin.' Fact, I kinda liked it.